Chapter 26: Remember me

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TW: Blood, needle

Pov y/n

I blink a few times before my eyes focus again. The room is darker than before and Wanda isn't on the bed before me anymore. 

I frown in confusion and turn around. I gasp in shock and put my hands over my mouth. There's a huge pile of blood on the ground, streaks leading from it to the door.
I have no clue, whose blood that is and look down at myself. I'm unharmed, so it's not mine. A wave of fear crashes over me at the thought that it might be Wanda's. 

I quickly get out of my daze and follow the streak on the floor. I glance out into the hallway and get a few chills. They are barely lit and the few lights that are on flicker every once in a while, reminding me of a horror movie. But other than that, there is not much to see, no guard, not Wanda. 

I'm not sure if I am glad about that or worried, the Wanda part I mean. I slowly follow the drops of blood that lead away from the door, my eyes darting around the hallway, expecting someone to jump out on me. My hands shake a little in fear because I have no clue what's going on right now. What is happening right now? And why? 

But my thoughts are interrupted by another pile of blood on the ground. Whoever got hurt, must have stopped here for a while. I look around but there is nothing special here, maybe they just needed a break?
I take a deep breath and continue following the line of blood drops. In any other moment, I probably wouldn't have done this, this is how a lot of horror movies start but I am worried that this is Wanda's blood and that she needs help. 

With that thought in my head, I start to hurry up a little more, almost running down the next hallway. My eyes dart between the ground in front of me and my surroundings. With a bang, the light bulb above my head explodes and I almost trip when I look up. What kind of spooky scene is this right now? 

I glance up at the ceiling once more before continuing my way down the hallway. When the blood leads me into a room, I am a little scared to walk in. What if Wanda wasn't the one who bled?
Any one could be in there for all I know. But what if she was the one who bled? If she is hurt badly and at the verge of dying? Just at the thought, tears start to form in my eyes. I can't lose her but I also won't let her spend the potential last moments of her life alone. I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself and step into the room. My eyes go big and my jaw drops.

Wanda is sitting at the end of the room, weakly leaning against the wall. Her legs are covered in blood and she only wears a hospital gown and doesn't seem to care about what her legs look like. But what's really shocking me is, that she's holding a bundle of towels in her arms. She looks up and meets my eyes, a little smile forming on her lips. 

"It's a boy." She whispers and I finally manage to step closer. The closer I get, the better I see her face. She has tear stains on her cheeks but a content smile. I slowly sit down next to her and look at the baby in her arms. His tiny face is the only thing visible within the towels he's wrapped in. His eyes are closed and he seems to sleep peacefully. 

"Do you wanna hold him?" Wanda asks and I look back at her and nod, still confused but also in awe. She carefully hands me the baby and an unknown feeling of pure happiness and contentment fills my entire body, something I never felt this strongly before. 

"He's our son, Tommy." She introduces him and rests her head on my shoulder, looking down at our baby. Tommy's nose scrunches up in his sleep and he looks more than adorable. 

"I love you, Tommy." I whisper and lean down to kiss his little head. But as my lips touch his head, something in my head seems to remember. 

Wanda wasn't pregnant. I'm not able to make her pregnant. The name Tommy sounds very familiar but we never had a child named Tommy. We only ever talked about that name or it appeared in the visions Wanda put into my head as a training....

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