Chapter 44: Snap

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TW: Fighting, weapons

Pov y/n

Vision pushes the alien off him and Wanda lets go of me, not after scanning me one last time. My eyes look over her body as well but she seems to be alright. Wanda turns around and with a few movements of her fingers, the alien is thrown into a three and lands hard on the ground before Wanda smashes it into another tree a little further away. The alien lays on the ground motionless. I turn to look at Wanda who seems satisfied with her work. Vision slowly sits down on the fallen tree. I gotta say, for a machine, he really isn't well at fighting... or anything else. Wanda turns to him and frowns a bit.

"The stone is still inside your head." She notices and Vision nods exhaustedly. 

"We got interrupted before we could finish it." He says and Wanda nods slowly. 

"But I'm tired of fighting and I don't think we have much time. Just destroy the stone, or we might never win this fight." He says and looks up at Wanda. I'm not sure if he expects her to tell him that he is brave or something but she just nods.

"Alright. But first, we should destroy the other stone, maybe that'll be enough and we don't have to sacrifice you." She offers and Vision's expression lights up a little at her words but by the tone I can tell, that she doesn't really care if he is sacrificed or not. She looks at me.

"Do you still have the stone?" She asks and I nod, pulling it out from the front pocket of my sweater. 

"Are you sure, you can destroy it?" I ask and Wanda looks at me for a few seconds. Her eyes tell me that she isn't sure at all.

"It's all we have." She mumbles and gulps, nervousness written all over her face. I nod and put the stone down and take a few steps back. I look at Wanda and take her hands in mine.

"You can do it, I believe in you. But in case it takes too much out of you, you can stop, we will find another way." I assure her and she nods before squeezing my hands a little.

"I can do it." She repeats my words and I step back so she won't accidentally hit me. 

Wanda takes a deep breath before channeling her magic and a red beam shoots from her hands to the stone. She grunts and I step closer, just in case she needs support. But it seems fine.
The red reflects a little in the purple of the stone and slowly gets brighter. When I hear steps behind us, I turn around and spot Steve, Mom and Bucky. They stop in their tracks when they see what we're doing. Mom comes closer and glances over my body and I give her a nod, to tell her that I am fine. She doesn't seem too convinced but takes it as it is for now and takes a deep breath. 

Just as I am about to look back to Wanda, something bright suddenly pulls my attention to it. My eyes grow big when a big circle appears out of nowhere and something like a portal opens. A big, purple guy steps out of it. He looks around and the portal behind him closes. On one hand he wears a metal glove where four stones glow and it only takes me another second to understand, that this is Thanos.
If this was a video game, he would be the final boss to kill. 

Steve, Bucky and Mom get into position, ready to fight the purple guy. I glance back to Wanda and the stone. It doesn't seem to be finished yet. Thanos looks around and spots Vision. 

"Vision, get out of here." Steve yells but before Vision can do anything, Thanos raises his arm and opens his hand. Vision starts flying over to him and I gulp. 

Steve and Bucky start to fight Thanos, who only seems mildly bothered by that. He quickly fights them off and I feel my heartbeat picking up. When Vision is in his reach, he grabs him by the throat and uses his other hand to rip out the stone from his head. Visions body instantly gets grey and falls to the ground. I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from making a noise, not needing Thanos' attention on Wanda and her doing. 

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