Chapter 12: Finally 18

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Pov Wanda

I wake up before y/n and sleepily glance over at her. She looks very peaceful and cute with her face stuffed a little into the pillow, snuggled up in the blanket.

She always complains about the blanket when we go to sleep because it's August and 'way too warm' for a blanket but every morning, she is snuggled into it and it makes me smile every time.

I withstand the urge to give her a kiss, not wanting to wake her up and carefully get out of the bed. Today is her birthday and I want the day to be very special for her.
Luckily, it's Saturday, so I don't have to work today and can spoil her as much as she wants, starting with breakfast in bed.

She loves everything I make for her but I know she really loves it when I make her waffles for breakfast. Usually, I don't make them often because it's a bit of a mess and more to clean up but since it's her birthday, I decided to make her some. I put on a pair of socks and a robe, so I won't be chilly and silently leave the room before closing the door. Y/n likes to sleep a little longer, so I don't think she'll be up for another hour, which gives me enough time to make her breakfast.

While I prepare the batter and heat up the waffle maker, I think about today. She's finally turning 18 and is officially an adult now. That will make a lot of things easier. Even though she is pretty independent with her 17 years, it's still a little more complicated because there are things that just aren't possible.

For example, she wasn't able to get a full time job until now because she needed the signature of a parent for that. We did think about faking it but we were worried that it blows up in some way and didn't want to risk that.
Now, that she's 18, she doesn't need her parents permission for anything. We don't have to pretend anymore as if I am taking care of her or whatever people want to hear to leave us alone about it. I'm happy for her that it's gonna be easier now.

We already discussed the matter of jobs and she'll try to turn her part-time job into a full-time one.

Another thought that crosses my mind and makes my insides pull together a little is that Nat isn't here to celebrate with her. Just as her graduation, this is a huge day for her, or a milestone, however you wanna call it and once again, Natasha won't be here to celebrate it with her.

I understand very well, that the two of them don't speak right now, I just think it's sad that they miss out on experiencing this together.
But it's y/n's call if she wants her mom to be around or not. And at the moment, it seems like she is happy about the way things are.

I push those thoughts out of my head and concentrate back on the waffles. It doesn't take long, until the first ones are ready and I start to prepare the tea as well. In between, I chop up some strawberries to go with the waffles. I put everything on a tray and carefully carry it into the bedroom.

Y/n is still asleep and it makes me smile to see her like this. When she looks like this, it always seems as if she doesn't have a care in the world and is just a happy young adult. It makes me forget in what kind of situation we are and that makes my heart a little lighter.

I put the tray down on our dresser and crawl onto the bed. It's a little later now and the perfect time to wake her up. I lean down and place a few kisses on her face, trailing them from her forehead to her cheeks and lastly her nose. When I kiss her nose, her lips curl into a happy smile that makes my heart soft. Her eyes flutter open and she looks sleepily but happily up at me.

"Good morning, sunshine." I greet her and hold myself up above her with my hands next to her shoulders. She gives me a sleepy smile.

"Good morning, daisy." She mumbles, her voice still raspy from sleep but it's so attractive. I mean, I love her voice either way but when it's like this, I could get chills from it.

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