Chapter 33: Attack

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TW: fighting, injuries, blood

Pov y/n

"I've been thinking." I start and Wanda glances at me while we stroll past a few shops that are already closed.

"What would happen, if we combined our powers?" I ask and she looks thoughtfully at the street in front of us. The thought has been spinning around my mind ever since I watched the stone react to Wanda's magic.

"I don't know. But since they seem to be from a similar origin, I guess they could be combined." She thinks out loud and I slowly nod, that sounds logical.

"Can we try?" I ask and get slower. Wanda stops as well and turns to look at me. "How?"

I hold my hand up and concentrate a little and a few seconds later, purple swirls play around my fingers.

Pov Wanda

I look around to check, if there is anyone here, who could see us but there isn't, so I raise my hand as well.

Seeing y/n managing this magic is honestly kinda hot and I see now, why she often glanced at my fingers when I used my magic.
I let a few red swirls appear, not much more than y/n because I don't wanna overpower her magic, not sure what that would do.

I slowly move my hand closer to hers and the closer I get, the more the swirls pull me towards her hand. It's as if the magic wants to be combined or is connected.
Our fingertips don't touch but the swirls seem to morph together, shining purple and red. It looks magical and very pretty but at the same time I wonder, how much power this holds.
My magic alone is already quite strong but combined with the one she has? That would probably be too much power for one being to have.

The tingling from my fingertips starts to spread through the rest of my arm and I am not sure, if that's a good sign. So, I slowly pull my hand back.
Y/n still seems a little mesmerized about what just happened and her eyes shine with excitement.

It makes me smile and I also notice a purple glow underneath her jacket. I still have to get used to that but maybe we can see now, how fast it turns back into the normal stone if it isn't touched. The swirls around y/n's fingers stop and she smiles up at me.

"That was really cool." She says and I nod in agreement.

Suddenly her eyes dart to something behind me and she steps around me. For a second I am worried that it is someone who wants to fight us but when I turn around, I see the window of a shop that sells TV's. A few are still running and now I understand why y/n looked like that.
I step closer as well and watch the news that currently show a scene in New York. There's a lot of chaos and I can't tell what's going on because we can't hear anything but it surely isn't good.

It reminds me of the call I got yesterday. Natasha called me, telling me they need y/n and me to come back to America but I declined. I don't wanna give up our life here to help the Avengers. It will only put the both of us in danger and I really don't wanna risk that. Not, after just getting engaged.

The picture changes and now we see the news lady, talking into the camera. A picture pops up next to her head, showing Tony. Something is going on in New York and it seems like Tony is somehow involved in it, which doesn't really surprise me.

I watch the screen for a few more seconds before I turn to y/n but gasp, when I see some strange creature standing behind her, holding her in a tight grip and covering her mouth.

Before I can react, another creature with a scepter kind of thing, stabs that into y/n's chest, making both her and me scream out.
I throw that creature with the scepter far away before shooting a ball of energy at the one that holds her.

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