Chapter 43: Forest

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TW: Fighting

Pov Wanda

I make my way out and fly up into the air to get a better view over the battlefield. Huge wheels start to roll over the field and I spot Nat being right in the way of one of those. She's currently occupied with fighting and even if she wasn't, she couldn't stop it. I fly closer and let the magic flow through my body before shooting it at the wheels, lifting them off the ground. Behind them, I see a bunch of new aliens running towards Wakanda. Within a second, I make a decision and smash the wheels into those aliens, landing a little roughly on the ground because my concentration is not directed at landing. One of the female fighters looks into my direction before looking at Nat.

"Why was she up there all along?" She asks before running into a fight with another alien. 

Nat gives me a little smile and I can tell she wants to ask me about y/n but is interrupted by more aliens coming our way. But I am sure that she knows, that I wouldn't leave y/n to herself in the middle of the operation. She seemed to be alright and as much as I wanted to stay with her, I think I can do more out here, believing that she is safe up there. And before the second stone is out of Vision, I can't do much anyway, so I might as well use that time to fight. 

I fight off two aliens before glancing back at the building y/n is in, checking if it's still safe. It looks all good. But my lack of concentration pays off when I get a hard hit against the head and roll down a little ditch, groaning and holding my head. But before I can do anything, I'm rolled over and faced by one of the aliens that we fought against in Scotland. It stares down at me angrily and holds its weapon up to my throat. 

"Not so strong anymore when you're alone, huh?" It asks condescendingly.

"She's not alone." I hear a voice from behind me and the alien looks up before a spear is rammed into its body and it collapses. I look up to see Nat smiling at me and offering me a hand. I take it and let her pull me up.

"Thank you." I say and brush off some dirt from my suit. 

"You got my back and I got yours." She replies and winks before running into another fight. 

For a second I look after her before starting to fight myself. I hear some familiar voices close to me and glance over to see Thor and Steve chatting while slaughtering a few aliens. When did Thor get back? And when did his hammer turn into an axe? 

But I don't really have time to think about that as I dodge the attack of another alien.
Suddenly I hear a scream through my earpiece and my blood freezes. 


Shit! That's y/n! 

"Y/n, what happened?" I ask and fly up into the air where the aliens don't reach me. I look back to the building. 

"Forest!" Is the only reply I get, along with some rustling, telling me she is trying to defend herself. I see something flying over the battlefield towards the forest outside of Wakanda. 

Without thinking twice, I fly after it, hearing Nat over the coms. She seems to panic too and lets out a few aggressive yells while fighting noises surround her. I follow the something towards the forest but it's faster than me, which scares me a little. I really hope y/n is alright.

Pov y/n

I kick and try to get out of the alien's grip but it holds me tight and doesn't care about my movements. How did they even get into the building? It was protected from all sides. And there's a whole fight going on right in front of it, how did no one see it before it was too late? 

They just stormed in and quickly fought off the few guards that were there with us. Shuri managed to hurt one of the aliens but since she had no further weapons, they knocked her out too. One of them took me and the other Vision, who still wasn't finished. And with that, they took off, flying right through a window and shattering it. The alien's grip is hard and presses right onto the stitches on my chest, making me grind my teeth in pain. They fly extremely fast and I almost get sick from the sudden movement. 

We arrive in some kind of forest and they drop us to the ground. I groan a little at the hard impact but quickly get up. Vision stays on the ground, leaning against a fallen tree, such a big help. 

Everything in me tells me to use the stone again but I'm scared that it'll mold right back into my body and I can't risk that. We don't have the time for another operation now that the aliens are actually here. I recognize one of the aliens, it's the same one as in Scotland.

"What do you want?" I spit out and get into a fighting stance, even though my body doesn't hold nearly enough energy for a fight. My bow and arrow really would be useful right now. Too bad, I don't have them with me but I guess there is nothing I can do about it now. Hand-to-hand combat it is then. 

"What do you think it is that we want?" The other alien asks, taking a step closer, making me step back. Okay, my question really was a bit dumb but I need to spare time, maybe someone will come and help me? Or Vision recovers.

"Why do you want those stupid stones?" I ask and the other alien rolls its eyes.

"They are for Thanos." It explains but it seems like that's the only explanation I'm getting because now it's launching itself at me. I raise my fist and manage to hit its jaw but then I'm sent flying into a tree. I wince in pain as I scramble to get back up. The other alien now turns its attention to Vision while the one from Scotland looks at me. 

"Just give me the stone and we'll let you live." It says halfheartedly and I grunt. 

"I'd rather die than to give the stone to you." I reply and clench my jaw.

"That can be arranged." The alien shrugs but grins evilly. 

A rush of adrenaline shoots through my body and I launch myself at the alien, using the element of surprise and throwing it to the ground. I jump back up and kick it right into the face, cringing at the sound that makes. The alien seems a bit stunned for a second but then gets up and tries to hit me but I dodge every attack. 

With a flick of its wrist, it pulls out a spear from somewhere and attacks me with it. I stumble back a little. This makes it a lot harder for me to fight because I can't get close enough to throw punches anymore. I glance back to make sure that I won't tremble over anything. In my peripheral, I see Vision fighting the other alien. At least his stone won't be take easily either. 

A few quick movements of the alien in front of me, pull my attention back and when I suddenly feel a tree in my back, my eyes grow wide. The alien grins, there's no way for me to escape and we both know it. 

"First I'll kill you and then I'll get the stone off your dead body." It grins and swings the spear back to ram it into me and I close my eyes, scared of the pain. But there is no pain and I open my eyes a tiny bit, to find Wanda fighting with the alien. 

Relief fills my body and I allow myself to take a breath before pushing off the tree and using the fact that the alien isn't facing me to my advantage. I grab a liana from the ground and swing it around the alien's neck. When I pull hard, the alien chokes a bit and stumbles back, hitting the ground. 

Red swirls push me behind Wanda in the same moment as she uses her magic to grab the spear and ram it into the alien's chest. It doesn't move anymore. Wanda turns back to me, her eyes soft and filled with worry as if she didn't just kill an alien. 

"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" She asks and cups my face before scanning my entire body. I shake my head, which is half the truth. I am not alright, my body hurts but I can't tell which parts hurt the most. I sink into Wanda's arms, glad she came when she did and she hugs me tightly. 

Now it's three against one, I think we can handle that. 

A/n: Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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