Chapter 56: Wedding day

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Pov y/n

"Deep breath, dorogory. (sweetheart)" Mom reminds me and I follow her advice and take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves.

"You look very beautiful." Yelena compliments me and I give her a smile.

"Thank you, it was quite the process to find the right dress." I say and Yelena continues to look at me, so I decide to tell her about it.

"Well, I didn't want a conventional dress, as you can tell." I gesture down my dress and Yelena nods. I did decide on a dress for my wedding because that just felt right but I wanted it to be different than a usual dress.

"I went to the store and looked around but they didn't have a dress how I wanted, so I looked around for the upper half and tried that on. Once I was happy with that choice, I took the dress and brought it to a tailor to adjust it the way I wanted." I tell further and smile down at my dress.

The upper half still looks like the wedding dress I picked but around my legs, there isn't a skirt. I asked the tailor to sow it into pants. It was a little difficult to explain but in the end, she understood and did what I asked for. The back of the skirt is still attached though, so from behind and the sides it looks like a skirt but from the front you can see the pants. I just prefer having real pants on because skirts make me feel a little weird and I don't want to feel that way on my wedding day.

It was a little more expensive but Mom took care of that and told me with a wink, that I should just take it as a wedding gift. Not one second did I doubt that she would buy another one but she seemed so happy about it, that I couldn't say no.

"It really turned out amazing." Yelena says with a soft smile. I nod, once again happy with the outcome. And telling her about the dress also took my thoughts off the ceremony that's about to start very soon.

I still can't really believe that the day has finally arrived but I'm getting married today!
I don't regret it at all because even though I am still young, I know that Wanda is the one and I know she feels the same way, so why not seal the deal?

There's a knock on the door and I call them in. Pepper walks in, holding Morgan's hand, who looks adorable in her flower girl dress.

"Someone wanted to see her bride before the ceremony starts." She says and I smile at Morgan, who looks at me in awe while Pepper closes the door.

"You look beautiful." Morgan whispers and steps closer to look at my dress.

"Thank you, so do you." I return the compliment and she starts to smile widely.

"Are you excited for you little job?" I ask and sit down on the chair in front of the mirror table. Mom uses the time I spend talking to Morgan to start on my hair. Morgan nods with a toothy green.

"Mommy already showed me the basket with the flower paddles, they are really pretty." She tells me and I can't help it but to chuckle.

"I think so too." I agree. "Did your Mom also show you where you have to go?" I ask and Morgan nods proudly.

"After I spread the pedals, I'm gonna go sit in the front row, next to Nat and Mommy." She tells me and I nod with a smile.

"That's right." I confirm and Morgan starts to jump a little in excitement.

"It's gonna be so cool!" She exclaims, making everyone chuckle.

"Do you need help with anything?" Pepper asks and looks from me to Mom and Yelena. They shake their heads, which I can't do with Mom pinning up my hair.

"I think we are all set." I say but then something comes to my mind.

"Do you know, how Wanda is doing?" I ask and Pepper smiles, her eyes soft. I haven't seen Wanda since early this morning. We had breakfast together but then we were separated to get ready for the wedding.

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