Chapter 40: Wakanda

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Pov y/n

A couple of hours later, we arrive in Wakanda. Steve used the flight to inform us about it a little more. Mainly about where it is, what it's known for and who rules it.
Turns out, that cat-like person during the fight at the airport, was King T'Challa of Wakanda. Guess we got off on the wrong foot. 

The jet lands and opens. Warm air waves into the jet, which is a nice contrast to the temperature in Scotland. Wanda and I walk outside next to each other. I look over the female soldiers that are standing on both sides of the jet. Steve walks straight to a man that seems somewhat familiar. I think I might have seen him in the news. Due to his posture and the protection around him, I am assuming that that's T'Challa. Next to him is a young woman, smiling at us. She gives off a bubbly, cheeky vibe that I already like. To my surprise, I also see Bruce and Bucky behind them. Wanda and I step closer to the king and he greets us.

"Welcome to Wakanda." He says and makes a big gesture around. I nod and smile politely, not sure how to react to that. I've never spoken to royalty, so I have no idea how to respond. Luckily, Steve does.

"It's an honor to be here and we are very thankful." He says and tilts his head a little, showing respect to the king. T'Challa nods. 

"We set everything up as soon as we got your call." He informs Steve and the two of them start to walk off. Bruce, Rhodey and Sam follow him. 

"Bucky." I greet him and he turns to me and gives me a calm smile.

"Y/n, right?" He asks and I nod. He seems different than the last time I saw him. Before he seemed...I don't wanna say aggressive but kind and now he is very calm and also seems friendlier. 

"And Wanda?" He turns to Wanda and she nods as well. "Long time no see." 

"What are you doing here? The last time I saw you, you were in Germany." I say and he chuckles a bit.

"A lot has happened since then. Steve brought me here to recover. How have you two been? Did you manage to escape?" He asks in return and I nod.

"We did. We lived in Scotland for about half a year." Wanda informs him and he nods impressed.
"All by yourselves?"
"Yes, it was just the two of us." 

He nods impressed before he seems to be called over an earpiece and gives us a little wave as a goodbye. We turn to the young woman who watches us closely. But not in a creepy way, more in an analytical one. 

"I'm Shuri." She introduces herself with a grin. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Wanda and this is y/n." Wanda introduces us as well and Shuri nods and looks at us. 

"It's your first time in Wakanda." She states. It wasn't a question, more like a statement that she seemed to pull from our behavior so far. 

"Yeah, we got here because we got told that the medical equipment and knowledge is really good here." I say and her grin grows wider.

"It is. I'd even say we have the best equipment in the whole world." She says confidently and gestures towards the building behind her. Her spirits seem to be very high and she is quite chatty, which I don't mind at all. 

While leading us to the building, she tells us some stuff about the laboratories and sciences they have here and also about a metal called vibranium. It's supposed to be the hardest metal there is and apparently that's what Steve's shield and Bucky's arm are made out of. It's impressive what she tells us and I like listening to her, she makes everything sound so interesting. 

"Anyways, I heard you have some trouble with two infinity stones?" She asks as we enter a huge room where the others are already discussing something. The window front looks onto the landscape in front of the city and it really is breathtakingly beautiful. 

"Yes, we do. One is inside Vision's head and the other in the chest of a person." I reply, unsure how much she is allowed to know. Shuri nods and turns around to us, stopping her walk. 

"It's very interesting, with which kinds of problems you Avengers come up with." She says but by the sparkle in her eyes, I can tell that it's not meant in an accusing way but more in an interested way. She seems to enjoy having all of us here and that we brought a task with us. 

"Thank you?" I say a bit confused and she laughs before turning to the other people.

Steve waves Wanda and I over and we walk through the room to him. Shuri follows us but since no one seems to mind that, we don't either. 

"I see you already meet Shuri, she is one of the people who will take care of the process." Steve says and I look at Shuri in surprise, who smiles proudly. Maybe I could have guessed it, due to the knowledge she has on these things. 

"We designed something, that will alternate the power of the stones, so it won't work so hard against us, when we operate it out of the human body." She starts to explain and I grab Wanda's hand. That sounds painful and a little scary. Wanda's thumb softly rubs the back of my hand while her other hand finds my waist and she pulls me a little into her, standing behind me. 

"We worked on a technique, that allows us to do it rather quick and mostly painless. We will get the stone out of the human body and stich the rest back up and with a bit of bedrest, that person should be as good as new." She continues, sounding proud to do this project. By the fact that she didn't look at me once, I can tell that she doesn't know that I'm the one with the stone inside me.

"And for Vision's part..." I stop listening because that's not really important to me and I also don't understand anything when it comes to machines and all that stuff. She made it sound...okay. 'Mostly painless' sounds good but I don't know what the exact definition of this is. Shuri and the others continue to talk and I turn around to Wanda, looking up at her with anxiety. She gently cups my face.

"It's gonna work." She assures me silently and I bite my bottom lip.

"What if it hurts more than they say?" I ask and she shakes her head and kisses my forehead.

"You are so strong, I know you can get through this and I won't leave your side. I'll hold your hand as long as you want and need me to." She promises and it makes me smile a little bit. I am still scared as hell but knowing that Wanda will be right next to me, comforts me a little. 

"And maybe they can give you something so you won't feel anything." She offers an idea and I take a breath and nod. Wanda is right, they probably will, even if they don't even put me into an anesthesia. I nod, more to myself and wrap my arms around Wanda to give her a hug, resting my head against hers. We will manage this. As long as Wanda is by my side, nothing will happen to me.

"I have you." She whispers into my ear before kissing my temple and the nerves in my body settle down. Wanda really has a way to calm me down that I never thought was possible but I am so thankful to have her because if she wasn't here right now, I'd probably freak out, more than just a bit. 

"I think we are all settled." Steve says and looks to Shuri, who nods and takes off to put up some room splitter. At least I'm getting a bit of privacy while they operate at my chest. Steve looks over at me and I turn my head, still leaning against Wanda.

"Are you ready?" He asks and I shake my head and sigh.

"But I don't think I'll ever be, so let's just do this." I say and he nods before turning to Vision. 

Mom comes over and rubs my back. "The knowledge of the people here in Wakanda is really amazing and I am sure, they figure out the best and safest way to do this." She tries to encourage me and I just nod. 

I'm not doubting their abilities, I am just scared that the stone won't care about it and stay inside me. Mom looks at something behind us, before looking back at me and nodding into that direction.

"It's time." 

A/n: Wakanda Forever!

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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