Chapter 7: Visit

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Pov y/n 

During the next week, I get a text that makes me smile. It's from Yelena, telling me that she'll be in Scotland next week.
She doesn't specify why she's here but I also don't ask any further.

She wants to come visit when she's here anyways and I feel myself getting excited. I haven't seen her in a while and she's the only connection to home that I have. Well, technically, I also have Mom but we still aren't really talking.
Wanda is also a connection to home, in theory but since she is here with me, I don't see her as a connection.

I tell Yelena though, that we don't have a guest bed but she assures me it's okay because she needs to rent a hotel room anyways.

That night I tell Wanda about the chat and she is excited and happy for me. She knows how much Yelena means to me, not just because of her reminding me of our old home but also because she's my family and I don't have a lot of that.
I chat some more with Yelena and she keeps my updated on where she is and when she's gonna arrive.
Her actual job isn't in Hamilton but she decided to stay here anyways, wanting to see me. She's arriving on Friday and will stay for the weekend.

The whole week, I am excited and catch Wanda smiling softly at me. She is just as happy as I am about this and lets me talk about it as much as I want to, which I really appreciate.

When it's finally Friday, I get ready to pick Yelena up at the train station. Wanda will join us later because she still has to work. I only have assignments for school today, so no classes to attend.

I rock back and forth on my heels as I watch the train driving into the station, my eyes darting along the doors to see Yelena when she steps out. A bunch of people get out and as soon as I see a blonde, making her way out of the train and looking around, I squeal in excitement and run into that direction. She turns her head and a big smile grows on her face when she sees me as well. Yelena opens her arms and I hug her tightly when I reach her.
She returns the hug just as tight and I smile a little more, it feels good to see and hug her again. When she pulls away, her hands stay on my shoulders and she looks at me.

"You look grown up now." She notices and I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"What changed from the last time you saw me?" I ask and grin. She chuckles and shrugs.

"I don't know but you just seem like a grown-up." She answers and I take it as it is.

"How was the plane and train ride?" I ask and lead her through the train station.

"Long but okay. I just think, that I'll need some time to adjust to the time difference." She tells me and I snicker a little.

"It took us a while too but you get used to it." I assure her and she smiles and nods.

"Where's your hotel?" I ask and she pulls out her phone, looking it up. I hum and think before I slowly nod, I know where that is. So, I lead the way and she follows me through the streets. Her eyes dart around, looking at the buildings, streets and people.

"It seems nice here." She observes and I nod.

"It is." I agree. "It's not as busy as the bigger cities and I like that it's calmer. The people here are also kind and their accent is a little funny."

Yelena laughs. "I can't deny that. I like their accent though." She says and I nod, it is a nice accent.

I bring her to her hotel and she checks-in and brings her luggage into her room while I wait outside. I have a quick chat with Wanda and she tells me when she's done with work and we agree on a spot to meet her later on.
When Yelena comes back, I tell her what I have planned, which is basically taking her for a walk and maybe go to a café. She agrees happily and we start walking.

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