Chapter 61: The way we planned

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Pov y/n 

The archery school goes very well and we have a lot of people signing up for classes. Kate and I found a time to train together and it was a lot of fun. Kate might even be better than me but she always insists that we are equally good. 

Wanda didn't have anything against me seeing Kate but I still assured her that I love her and only her and gave her a long kiss before heading out. When I came back later that day, she didn't seem very jealous, only a little more cuddly, which I don't mind at all.
That night we talked about it though, just so it isn't unsettled. I admitted that it is kind of hot when she is a little possessive and it led to sex that I can only describe as amazing and also exhausting. 

But after that day, Wanda didn't seem to be jealous of Kate anymore, probably because she made sure that I know who pleasures me and who I love.
Kate's and mine trainings became more regular and we started scheduling them on Thursday afternoons because we both have a short day at college then. 

Wanda got promoted shortly before Christmas and we celebrated that with a date. She surprised me with it and I couldn't help but be excited when she brought me to the bookstore where I took her to on our very first date. We spent almost two hours in there and ended up buying a few more books than planned.
But, in our defense, we didn't only stop in front of books we want to read for fun, we also stopped in front of the section that's about babies. Very early, I know but I couldn't help it when I saw the cute drawings on the covers. 

For Wanda's birthday, I decorated the whole living room and put up an air-matrass in front of the sofa, so we would have some extra space. Since it was a weekday, we didn't have the whole day to spend together but the afternoon and evening. We had a movie night with lots of cuddles and a cake. Well, the attempt of a cake because I still can't bake or cook very well. But Wanda was super happy with that and didn't complain about anything. 

On Christmas, Mom came to visit us and we spent a very nice day together, playing some board games and baking cookies. The day after Christmas, we went to visit Laura and the kids and stayed there until New Years.
Since they live outside the city, we had to fire up our own fireworks but that was no problem because Tony, Pepper and Morgan also came over and Tony brought the fireworks. I heard Pepper tell Mom that he has been working on them for a while and it was honestly totally worth it. The sight of Morgan and Nathaniel falling asleep on the couch was adorable. Ever since the wedding, they have been friends and play together as much as possible with the distance between their homes. 

In January and February, I was pretty stressed because I had a lot of exams at college but Wanda was so great and always took care of me when I had a breakdown over the stress. 

March and April went by fast as well and somehow, we ended up looking for houses. I honestly have no clue how that happened but it did. Finding a house is harder than I thought and the ones we liked on the internet, often turned out to be crappy in real life. We did think about building one but that would have been too expensive. So, we continued looking around, not in any rush because our apartment is very nice and big enough for the two of us. 

Eventually, we did find a house we liked and could afford. The only 'bad' thing was, that it was a little demolished but we decided to still buy it and flip it ourselves. We got Liv, Kelly and Kate to help us and sometimes, Mom would help too. Tony helped when it came to the electric stuff and cables and all that. It was honestly a lot of fun to flip the house and I considered doing that after college. After all, being an author isn't the safest job. But I still have some time until I have to make a decision. 

Flipping the house took almost half a year but once it was finally done, we were excited to move in. It did take longer to flip because Wanda and I finally had our honeymoon, almost a year after the wedding but it was still great. We went to Hawaii and it was just amazing!
We explored a lot and spent a lot of time at the beach and in the ocean. But a close second in the ranking of places we spent the most time at, was the bed and no I don't mean sleeping. 

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