Chapter 39: On the jet

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Pov Wanda

Early in the next morning, we start to get ready for the flight to Wakanda. It is strange to be back in our old room. This used to be our home where we would sleep every night, now it feels like the room of someone else, even though a lot of our stuff is still here. But we've grown since we last slept here, we have a different life now. 

We take a shower because we don't know, when we will get the chance for the next one. After that, I patch up y/n again and she takes care of the cut above my eyebrow. Seeing that stone inside her chest always makes me gulp a little. Mainly because I am worried that it's hurting her or put her in danger, which it already did once. 

We have a quick breakfast in the kitchen, that is surprisingly stocked and while I make breakfast, y/n prepares some sandwiches for the way. We vaguely figured out where Wakanda is and know now, that's it's gonna be a longer flight. 

Nat and Sam also come into the kitchen to have breakfast and it's a bit of an awkward atmosphere between Nat and y/n. It's obvious, that there is still a tiny bit of unresolved tension but I can also tell, both want to put that behind them. I'm guessing they will talk a lot on the flight since we have time to kill.

Steve joins as well, handing each one of us a suit, which I am surprised about. He vaguely told us that Tony worked on them even though we were on the run. Seems like Tony still cared about us, even if we didn't share his opinion. I am glad about this though because his suits are a good protection during a fight. Of course, I hope that it won't get to a fight but something inside me tells me, that there will be a fight. Call it intuition or something, I don't know. 

All I care about though, is that y/n will be safe because she for sure can't fight in her current state. Steve did bring her bow and arrows up and a pair of widow bites but her condition makes it obvious, that she won't be able to fight, not as long as she still has the stone inside her. It doesn't seem to give her any powers anymore, so all she has is her physical fighting skills, which are good, don't get me wrong. But with that stone in her chest, she can't move as quick and good as usual and I am afraid that one hit in the chest, would pretty much knock her out. 

I really hope, that they can help her in Wakanda. Steve seemed optimistic about it and I just hope he is right. I can't and won't let my fiancé get killed because of some purple stone, no matter how powerful it might be.

We get into the jet and buckle up in our seats while Steve and Nat sit in the front of the jet, ready to fly this thing. Opposite of us, there are Sam and Vision and I notice Vision and y/n glaring at each other. So far, it was only y/n who seemed to have a problem with Vision but now it seems to be both sided. I know, that y/n is slightly jealous or rather annoyed with Vision because he liked me too, he never told me but it was obvious from his behavior and the looks he gave me. Y/n seemed to be kind of jealous of that, even though she was my girlfriend. 

We talked about it but it didn't really change much, she still glared at him whenever he was friendly to me. I didn't mind as long as she can handle it. But now it seems to be the other way around as well. Vision gave me a few adoring looks since we arrived here and ever since y/n told the team we are engaged, he started glaring at her.
I don't care about him being jealous, as long as he doesn't harm y/n. What he did the last time I saw him, keeping us in the compound and almost hurting y/n... he really blew any chance of us becoming more than just acquaintances. When he kind of suggested to risk killing y/n while in the process of getting that stone out of her, it took everything I had for me not to start yelling at him and I for sure will keep a close eye on him.

The takeoff is smooth and soon we are in the air and Nat gets up, leaving the flying to Steve. She approaches us and makes eye contact with y/n.

"Can we talk?" She asks and y/n nods. Nat nods towards a small booth in the jet, so they can have some privacy. Y/n gets up after giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Pov y/n

I follow Mom to the little booth and we settle in the two seats. I can tell that she is a little nervous about this but don't blame her for it. 

"So, you got engaged?" She asks, sounding a little awkward but I fully understand that. I nod.

"Yep. Wanda proposed to me." I answer, even though we already kinda talked about this topic but I guess it's a good start.

"That's great, I am really happy for you." Mom says with a smile that seems genuine.

"Thank you, we are really happy about it and hope that this," I gesture around. "won't destroy our luck." Mom's eyes get a little sad and she nods.

"We'll do our best that it won't." She assures me and I lean back into the seat. How do you start this kind of conversation?
Mom takes a breath and folds her hands on her knees. 

"I am really sorry." She starts and I just continue to look at her. 

"I'm sorry for treating you the way I did and for not respecting your opinion. For signing the accords for you and not listening to what you wanted." She continues and pauses. I think about her words. As much as I want to be mad at her for all of that, I am not innocent either, I kinda brought myself into that.

"I am sorry too. I should have acted more responsible and not acted out so much. It didn't feel so bad in that moment and we both may have overreacted a little but I still should have respected your rules and boundaries." I say and Mom nods, tapping her fingers on her knee, a sign that she is still nervous.

"Thank you, I appreciate you saying that. I was mad at you for not respecting the rules I set but that didn't give me the right to go over your head and sign the accords when you clearly were against them. I also shouldn't have tried to drag you away from the fight at the airport, that was not okay. You stood up for what you believe in and I raised you to do that. So, expecting you to drop it, just because I have a different opinion wasn't right. I was scared to lose you or that you would get hurt but that isn't an excuse for my behavior and I never meant to push you away with it." She says and looks into my eyes. I can tell that her words are honest and that she spent a lot of time thinking about all of this. It feels good to hear those words. 

"I am not happy about everything that happened..." I start and Mom nods, understanding that. "But I accept your apology and forgive you for it. Maybe not entirely but I am starting to." I say and relief shows on Mom's face and her hands let go of each other.

"That means a lot to me and I am very thankful for that. I will earn your trust back and promise, that I won't go over your head again." She says and I smile a little. It's nice to hear her say that, even though she technically couldn't even go above my head anymore since I am 18 now but still. 

"Are you still mad at me for breaking the rules?" I ask, feeling a bit of guilt. We both didn't act right and if we're trying to change something, we should both start with a clean conscience. Mom shakes her head.

"No, I'm not. You're a teenager, you break rules, that happens. I think I forgave you for everything about two weeks after that fight in Germany." She says and her eyes seem to soften a little bit. I smile in return. It's nice to know that she isn't mad at me anymore but I will still need a bit more time to forgive her but I think she knows and understands that. 

"Can I hug you?" She asks carefully and the smile on my face widens when I nod and get up.

Mom gets up as well and gives me a big hug. I wrap my arms around her and nuzzle my face into her neck. No matter how much she messed up, a hug from her will probably always make me feel better, she's still my mother after all. 

I allow myself to melt into the hug and just enjoy it. Hugging Wanda and being around her is great, no doubt but it can't quite be compared to the hug of your Mom who kept you safe most of your life. We might have had our difficulties but at the end of the day, I know she got my back and will always look out for my safety without a doubt. 

A/n: Y/n and Natasha finally spoke about what happened and are on the best way to get over it.

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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