Chapter 9: 1 year anniversary

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Pov y/n

1 year, that's a long time.

A lot can happen in one year. Your life can be completely different than a year before. You can be happier or sadder. Maybe you met new people you are close with or maybe you grew apart with some.
There's so much to be thankful for within a year and so much to be happy about that it can be hard to choose what's the best part of it.

Well, for me it's not hard to choose because I know very well what the best part was. It was becoming Wanda's girlfriend exactly a year ago. We might have been through some ups and downs and went through some things neither of us expected but we still managed it somehow and we are also still together.

At the age of 17 or 18, a year is already pretty long for a relationship. I witnessed many couples in school breaking up after a couple of months and always wondered if a relationship is that hard.
Well, sometimes it is quite a lot of work but if it's the right person, you don't mind at all. The love will bind you and you know that you can get through it if you want to.

Today is Wanda's and I's 1 year anniversary. It feels a little unreal that it's already a whole year but at the same time, it feels way longer due to everything we had to go through.
We probably went through things that couples go through in their whole relationship of multiple years. But it never split us up. We might have fought or argued but we are still together and I am really happy about that.

"What are you thinking about, sunshine?" Wanda asks and I come back to reality. We are having breakfast together right now and I allowed my thoughts to be free.

"Just about us and that we are together for one year now." I tell her, a smile automatically appearing on my face. Saying it feels even better than thinking it. Wanda smiles softly and takes the hand that isn't holding my bagel.

"I like that thought." She says and I smile happily at her and give her hand a little squeeze in response before continuing my breakfast.

We clean up together and when we're ready, I lean against the counter and watch Wanda put the towel away. She turns around to look at me and comes closer, placing her hands on the countertop beside me.
I look up at her and cup her face with one hand and rub my thumb over her cheek. Her hands move to my hips and she carefully lifts me up and sets me on top of the counter.

I make a little surprised noise at that but smile and spread my legs for her to stand in between them. Her hands rest on my thighs now and I rest my arms on her shoulders.

"What do you wanna do today?" She asks, drawing random patterns onto my thighs. I hum an purse my lips in thought.

"I wanna go on a date with you." I say slowly as an idea forms in my head. Wanda nods and lets me finish my thought.
"And I think I know the perfect activity for it." I say and grin at Wanda.

She seems to be a little lost in my eyes and just nods, probably not paying much attention to my words anymore. But I don't mind because it's actually adorable. Her eyes dart down to my lips.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying or just looking at me?" I ask jokingly and her eyes flicker up to mine and she grins a bit before looking back at my lips.

"Both." She answers before leaning in and giving me a sweet kiss that I instantly return. I open my lips for her and greet her tongue, dancing slowly with it until we need to pull away for air.

"So, a date?" She asks and her eyes shine brightly. I hum and nod, my mind still distracted by the kiss we just shared.

"I'll let you take the lead then." She smiles and pecks my lips before stepping back and allowing me to jump down.

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