Chapter 51: We won

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Pov y/n

After playing tea party, Morgan wants to play with some of her dolls and action figures. I am not surprised that she has an Ironman one. It's cute how much she adores her father for the hero he is.

Tony didn't always do the right thing and some things were really shitty but in total, he's a good guy. And I bet , if my Mom would have been as known as she is right now when I was a kid, I for sure would have loved an action figure of her as well.

Happy brings up some fruit after a while and his eyes stay a little longer on me but I don't blame him, I was believed to be gone for the past five years and now I'm suddenly here.

When Morgan asks to play some games that involve running and a lot of motion, I have to decline, my body still not ready for that with the fresh stitches in my chest.
It's weird to think that I have been operated on five years ago but still have to heal because for me it was just a few hours back.

I don't know how long we've been playing, when I hear some noise from downstairs they make me look up.
It sounds like people coming into the house but not like they're fighting their way in, so I'm guessing they aren't enemies.
Morgan seems to notice that too and is the first to jump up and run to the stairs. I follow her, curious to see who just arrived.

When I hear Morgan squeal at the bottom of the stairs, I have a hunch and hurry down the last few steps.
My eyes widen when I see who is standing in the living room.
Morgan already ran up to her parents, hugging them and Tony lifted her up, holding her close.

My eyes dart to Wanda and Mom. Both seem a little exhausted and a little run-down from the fight but otherwise fine. I hurry over and hug Wanda tightly, feeling a weight lifting off my shoulders because I seriously was worried, she might die in this battle. Her arms wrap around me, holding me tight as well and she kisses the top of my head a few times.

"I'm okay." She silently repeats a few times and I nod against her.

Pov Natasha

Tears start to form in my eyes at the sight of y/n.
As soon as I saw Wanda on the battle field, I knew that y/n was back too. I wondered where she was but when Wanda crossed my way, she shortly assured me that y/n is safe.

But it's different to just know something and to actually see it. I hoped and waited five years for this moment and now it's finally there. It was a long, hard, exhausting battle but it was totally worth it.

Y/n lets go of Wanda and turns to me. Her eyes scan over my face and body and I totally understand that.
While she was gone, I aged five years while she looks exactly the same as the day she got blipped.
When her eyes land back on mine, she almost throws herself into my arms and I hug her tightly, not ready to let her go any time soon.
One of my hands comes up to her head and I hold her close to me.

The feeling of the fabric of her shirt and her hair under my fingertips almost makes me cry because this feels real. It's not a dream or illusion. It's not an old video of her, it's real.
I really got my daughter back!

"My baby." I mumble, closing my eyes and just holding her close, needing a few seconds to realize that she isn't gone forever and actually in my arms.
But y/n doesn't seem to mind and holds onto me as well.

After a while, I am finally able to let her go but rest my hands on her shoulders and look at her. She really looks like that day five years ago, she even wears the same clothes.

"You're back." I whisper, my brain still needing some time to fully realize that. She nods.

"I am." She confirms and it's so good to hear her voice again and not just the teddy-bear version of it.
I slowly let go of her and take a few deep breaths to steady myself.

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