Chapter 48: Vormir

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Pov Nat

"See you in a minute." I smirk a little at Steve as he holds his fist against mine. He smiles at me, sure of victory. The platform underneath us gets activated and we are pulled into a swirl that makes me a little dizzy.

Rocket confidentially flies the ship through space and I look out of the window. I've only been to space once and it still is so incredible. I marvel at everything that can be seen from the window. Being in space really makes the earth and everything happening on it seem very small.

Clint next to me is quiet and I look over to him. He isn't looking out of the window, his eyes stare at the back of Rocket's seat.

"We can do this." I assure him and he looks at me. The five years of grieving and missing his family make him look older and he seems tired. He sighs and nods.

"We have to." He says and I take his hand, giving it a little squeeze.

"We have to." I repeat silently, knowing he is right. I might be better at hiding it but I share his feelings.

I am only doing okay and I think that won't change until I either have y/n back or when I know that I really did everything I could to try and get her back. Clint seems like he gave up on the thought of ever getting his family back and I can't exactly blame him.

It's even more exhausting to hope to see her again some day and I can't imagine how it must feel to lose three children and his wife. I guess, stopping to hope is easier when you have more to mourn. I don't know how I would have acted if I was in his position. But I am just glad, that we are on the same page again.

"We got this." He says, sounding determined now and the frown on his face, that has been there since I first saw him again, softens a little. I don't know what changed his mind but I am glad about it.

"We do." I agree and for the rest of the flight we are silent.

I have to resists to give into the thought of maybe holding y/n in my arms in only a few more hours. All I wish for is, that everything works out the way we have planned. Once we are all back at the compound and have all six stones, I can continue hoping to see her again.

A while later, we arrive at Vormir and Rocket safely lands the ship. He decides to stay here to make sure, everything is alright and that no one will steal the ship. I agree with that because I have no clue how to fly this thing, it's quite different than flying a jet.

Clint and I hop off the ship and give Rocket a quick wave before following the little compass we have.
We walk in silence but it's a comfortable one. I look up at the mountain we have to climb. It's gonna be exhausting but so worth it, I hope.
We don't really have an exact clue, what to expect here but the mountain seems like the place where the infinity stone would be, since the rest seems very dull.

We follow the path that leads up. The way is long and I'm starting to get a little exhausted after what feels like an hour of walking up the mountain.
I shouldn't have neglected my training this much in the past few months.
Clint also seems to be a little exhausted but none of us asks for a break, both fueled by the thought of maybe getting our loved ones back.

When we finally arrive at the top, I look around. The view is actually quite nice but we aren't here for that. Clint already started searching for the stone.
When I am about to help him, a voice startles us and I pull out my gun, pointing it at the source of the voice. Clint does the same but with his arrow.
A creature steps out of the shadows.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan." It greets me and I narrow my eyes.

"Clint. Son of Edith." Clint and I share a glance, how does this thing know our names?

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