Chapter 41: Earthquake?

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TW: Pain

Pov y/n

We go to where Shuri built the room splitter up and she looks at me surprised. 

"Are you the person with the stone in their body?" She asks and I nod. For a second she seems very surprised by that but then she catches herself and gives me a little smile.

"Don't worry, you're in good hands." She assures and gestures to the operating table. I take a deep breath and sit down on it. Wanda stands next to me, not letting go of my hand. Mom got called over to Steve, so she is currently talking to someone else. 

"Did you hear what I told the others about this method?" Shuri asks and presses a few buttons on a machine that looks a little scary. I nod and watch her pull the machine closer to the table. 

"Good. Any other questions?" She asks and turns her full attention to me. I look from the machine to her. 

"Is it possible to get anesthesia?" I ask and for a moment Shuri looks a bit irritated but then her expression softens a little and she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, that's not possible. See, the stone is connected to your body and its energy. If you go to sleep, the stone will shut down too and stop radiating its energy, instead it will focus on your body and it'll be even harder to get it out. We won't be able to alternate its power then and there is a bigger chance of it going wrong." She explains and I gulp. 'A bigger chance' sounds, as if there is already a chance that this will go wrong and I don't like that thought at all. 

"Can I calm her mind down during the procedure?" Wanda asks and I look at Shuri hopefully. 

"No, that would only cause the stone to focus on the foreign energy, which again would make it nearly impossible to alternate its power." Shuri says, almost looking apologetically at me. "But it won't hurt too bad, I promise."
That probably was supposed to calm me down but it surely didn't. But for her this seems to be enough assurance, as she goes back to preparing everything.

"I need you to expose the spot where the stone is pushed into you." She says while putting on medical gloves and grabbing a few things from a transportable drawer. I nod and let go of Wanda's hand to pull the sweatshirt over my head. 

Wanda watches me but not because I am undressing. Worry is in her eyes and I can tell that she isn't happy about this either. I lay down on the table and try to relax, calming down my breathing. Shuri turns back around to me and takes a closer look at where the stone is molded into my skin. 

"That's very interesting." She mumbles and carefully touches the stone. It doesn't hurt me or anything but it's still weird, so I turn my head to look at Wanda. She catches my look and comes closer, taking my hand into hers and giving it a little squeeze. 

"I'm gonna start alternating the power now." Shuri lets me know and I just nod. 

She pushes that machine over my body. It's a half circle above me and pretty much positioned right above the stone in my chest. With a buzzing, it starts and I inhale sharply when there's a sudden burning sensation inside my chest where the stone is. My grip on Wanda's hand tightens but I don't make any sound. Shuri inspects what's happening and nods before noting something down. 

"We have to let it be like this for a few minutes, so it's safe to start doing more." She explains and I give her a tight-lipped nod before she disappears onto the other side of the room splitter. 

"Does it hurt badly?" Wanda asks worried and looks at the stone in my chest before making eye contact. 

"It just feels like...something inside me is burning, without the heat though." I try to describe and her eyes will with even more worry. 

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