Chapter 34: Reunion

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TW: injuries, needle

Pov y/n

Suddenly, the attention from the creatures and Wanda turns to something behind me but I don't have enough energy to turn around and look. The one with the scepter throws it into that direction and I seriously start to wonder what there is.

Suddenly, something or rather someone, comes flying into the scene, kicking one of the creatures away and into a shop nearby.
I watch that happening and when I look back to Wanda, I suddenly see someone running towards the other creature and the blonde woman catches the scepter that someone else seems to throw to her.

Everything happens very quickly and I can barely follow everything. Wanda turns back around to me and kneels down again, taking one of my hands and looking over my body.

"Why did they want the stone?" I ask and lean my head against the fence behind me. My body hurts and I have trouble, keeping it together.

"I have no idea." Wanda says in a calming voice, her thumb brushing over my knuckles.
She glances back to the fight and I follow her eyes. The creatures both fall to the ground and look up at the other three people who seem familiar but I'm only seeing their backs.
Suddenly, the creatures are beamed up into the air, making me even more confused.

"That's some alien shit." I mumble and Wanda nods agreeingly. Now the three people turn around and I feel a weird mix between confusion and relief when I recognize them: Steve, Sam and my Mom.

They come back to us Mom's eyes soften and fill with worry when she takes a closer look.
She offers me a hand and with the help of Wanda, pulls me up to stand. Wanda instantly wraps one arm around me, helping me stand. Standing hurts more than sitting but I can't stay on the ground forever.

I am very surprised to see my mom, especially with blonde hair but I suppose she had to stay undercover somehow as well.

"Mom." Is the only thing I manage to say. A little smile plays around her lips at that and she nods, as if she wanted to confirm that it is her. Wanda looks to Steve.

"Thank you." She says and he nods.

"Of course." He replies and gestures towards the side of the train station. He starts walking into that direction and the others follow him.
I limp a little with my hurt leg and hiss, so Wanda decides to pick me up and carry me. She doesn't make any sound that could imply that it's hurting or exhausting her to carry me.
I, on the other hand, start to feel the exhaustion starting to settle inside my body and lean my head against her shoulder.

"Don't fall asleep now, sunshine." Wanda whispers and I nod, holding my eyes open. I know, I can't fall asleep now because until I'm checked out, it could turn into passing out because of brain damage and then it's hard to wake me up again.

We walk out of the train station and into a street. I turn my head a little and see a quintjet standing there. Looks like we're going home after all. And even though I am not really happy about that, a tiny part is relieved because I am hurt and scared.

Wanda carries me inside the jet and directly to the little medical area, placing me down on the medical bed. I scan her body, to see if she is hurt anywhere else than above her eyebrow but she seems fine. I sit up, using my hands to support me.

"Let me take care of you." I whisper, my voice a little raspy. Wanda looks at me with soft eyes but shakes her head.

"That is very sweet of you, but you need medical attention first." She decides and gently pushes me to lay on the bed. I hear Steve and Sam discussing something while Mom steps closer to us. Her eyes scan over my body and a concerned expression appears in her eyes.

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