Chapter 5: 15 years later

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Pov y/n

I open my eyes and am met with sunshine lighting up the room. I stretch and yawn.

"Good morning, sunshine." Wanda says, her voice still raspy from her sleep. I turn my head and look at her. She looks as beautiful as ever, her red hair framing her face and even though it's a little messy, I couldn't care less.

"Good morning, daisy." I mumble and scoot closer to rest my head on her chest, enjoying her warmth.

Wanda kisses my forehead and waves her hand through my hair. I hum at that and close my eyes for a few more seconds.
But when I hear footsteps in the hallway, I know that the calm moment is over.

There's a knock on the door before it opens and I open my eyes, when a little girl comes running towards the bed. Behind her, there are another girl and a boy following, both with beautiful red hair while the smaller girl has brown hair.
The little girl squeals a little when she is lifted onto the bed by her brother. She slumps down onto me and I huff a little as the air gets pressed out of my lungs a bit but wrap my arms around her.
The other girl drops onto Wanda, getting comfortable on her while the boy snuggles in between us.

"Good morning." I greet them with a smile and lean up to kiss the little girl's cheeks. She giggles.

"Good morning, Mommy." She replies, making my heart swell with her cuteness while pressing a stuffed giraffe to her chest.

"You're up early." Wanda notes and kisses the redhead on top of her before kissing the boy between us.

"Fallon woke us up." The boy complains lightly but his eyes are soft.

"No, Fallon woke Tommy up and he decided it was unfair if I could sleep in." The girl points out and Tommy sticks his tongue out at his sister, making Wanda and me chuckle.

"Cara is just jealous because usually she is the one that gets woken up first." Tommy states and Cara rolls her eyes and snuggles more into her mother. Fallon grins.

"I'm excited for today." She tells us, lisping a little. I smile up at her and rub her back a little.

"What is today?" I ask her and wrap my arm around Tommy as he cuddles into my side.

"Another day and Mama said we can go to the park today." She tells me and bounces a little on my stomach. Good thing she is only four, otherwise, my organs might have been squished by that action.

"That does sound exciting." I agree and kiss Tommy's head, making him smile up at me.

"How about, we start the day off with pancakes?" Wanda offers and all three children cheer.

"Dips on the flipping." Cara calls and Tommy grunts but goes with it.

We made the rule that only one kid can throw the pancakes up into the air and catch them again when we make pancakes. They also only get three tries. We had to come up with the rule when the twins were five and the kitchen was a mess after multiple failed attemps by both of them. That rule worked for the past two years and we don't plan on changing it right now.

"Alright, let's get up then." Wanda says, padding Cara's back, signaling her to get up first. She does and slides off the bed. Wanda follows and tickles Tommy a little, making him squirm and getting up to get back at her.

I laugh at their antics, my heart full of love for my family. I scoop up Fallon and carry her into the kitchen where Wanda and the twins already started on the batter. Fallon and I take care of the fruits and whipped cream and I feed her a blueberry that she happily eats.
We set the table and only a few minutes later, the pancakes are ready and the twins giggle at the flour handprint on Wanda's stomach.

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