Castiel One Shot- "Thank you, Castiel"

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A few days ago you met the most angelic, literally most angelic person of them all. Would you even call Castiel a person? He was clearly not human. Just some angel of the lord in a vessel. But you really thought about Castiel a lot. Which was the most confusing thing ever...why?

"(Y/N)" you heard in your head..or was it-

"Cass?" Saying it outloud, feeling absolutely insane. It was weird, you could feel his presence.

"Hello (Y/N)."

Making you jump as you heard the angel speak. "W-What are you doing here?" Questioning him, blushing slightly.

"We need to talk." He says tilting his head at you.

"About?" Confused, as well as anxious, you turned to look at him.

"I've been sensing something...odd. About you..."

You cocked an eyebrow.

"Say what?"

He had a blank look on his face.

You laughed nervously, feeling almost embarrassed because you knew exactly what he was talking about.

"You seem...different. Than before. You think about me often. Dream about me. Pray, hoping that I can be in your presence and that you didn't think I'd answer your prayers....."

"Castiel.." You mumbled, closing your eyes and biting your lip, making it almost bleed.

"I like you, like a lot."

"Like? I don't understand that..."

"You don't understand that reference. I get it. I also know you won't ever feel the same way. I know you're an angel. I don't know what's-"

"I sense tension."

"Yes, I am very tense. I am telling you that I like you and you don't really understand. It's hard to explain. I don't really understand myself."

"Perhaps you've come across a liking because I had saved you a few nights ago."

You nodded, trying to hold back tears. This was humiliating.

"Listen, maybe it's just the vessel I like. Maybe it's you. ALL of you. I really need to figure it out and get to the bottom of this. I know angels don't understand liking someone."

"You are correct. I do not understand 'liking or loving' any one.

Oh shit, here came the tears.

You turned away as fast as you could, trying to not show your emotions, it was too embarrassing.


"Castiel, it's okay. I'm not mad. I guess maybe I had the slightest hope that you'd like me back..I see that it's impossible."

Castiel walked in front of you, still looking a bit confused. He gently grabbed you inward for a hug. You smiled a bit, feeling a little better. You knew he was trying hard to understand you..

"Thank you, I appreciate the hug."

Castiel nods. "You are welcome. Call me if you need me. I must return to heaven." In the blink of an eye, he was gone. You sniffled a few times. He gave you the most awkward hug, but it proved to you that he actually gave a shit.

You closed your eyes and began a prayer. Ending it off you smiled a tad..

"Thank you, Castiel."

I apologize for the shortness of this one shot as my writings skills are rusty. I haven't written any sort of fanfic in a while. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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