Sam One Shot: Demon Blood + Ruby's Demon Blade

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Sam had an obsession. Clearly one he didn't speak about often. He was addicted to demon blood. No way was he coming out of that anytime soon.

"Sam, get rid of that thing. It isn't cool. It makes you...look intimidating, and just plain sketchy." Dean states; staring at Sam's right hand, which was holding Ruby's demon blade, coated with demon blood.

"I need it Dean. I need the demon blade in order to-"

"To what, Sam? To kill demons and drink their blood?" Dean raises his voice a little.

Sam dropped his head slowly, knowing that everything that was coming out of Dean's mouth was right.

"Look man. You've got to get rid of the thing. It leads you up to no good."

Sam stands up and begins to pace. There was no way Sam could just drop the blade and never touch it again. He needed it. He CRAVED it.


"Sam, STOP! You've got to stop, man. HEY!" Dean grabbed both of the younger Winchester's shoulders and shook him, to grasp his attention.

"Let it go. Now." Dean pleads.

"But I can't..." Sam whispered, not meeting Dean's beautiful, emerald eyes.

"Just drop it. You can do it." Dean says, calmly and watches Sam's every move.

"Please. You've got to do something different. You can't go on like this. Lilith is gone. Ruby is gone. So what's the point? Just let go."

Sam thought for a hard second. "You know what? You're right." Sam slowly dropped the blade down onto the cement and wiped the blood off his mouth.

"That's my boy."

Ever since that day, Sam has gotten better. He hadn't drunk demon blood in several months, and he touched the Ruby's demon blade only for emergencies.

He did every once and a while, just touch the tip of the blade. The knife was what made Sam...well, Sam.

Hi guys. Here's a much needed update. I know this story is kinda well..weak. But I just needed to post something. My mind is kinda fried right now. So yeah. I hope you enjoyed...

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