CastielxReader: The Night I Met An Angel

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I was alone one night walking through the alley. It wasn't the safest route to take from the bar to my house. I was extremely drunk, my nauseated, dizzy, and I couldn't even walk straight. People could spot me miles away and know that I'm drunk. 

The reason I'm like this is because I had an extremely rough breakup that night. I mean hell, it was more than rough. Worst night of my life I could say. Chad wasn't worth it anyways. 

I heard my name being called in the distance. Who was it exactly? I couldn't exactly recognize the voice. Was it Chad and me not even realizing it? I had no idea. I scuttled away as the voice was even louder than before.

I was terrified, no idea what to do. I decided to run, it wasn't very smart of me though, because I ran straight into a dumpster.

That's when I felt a hand go over my mouth, a knife held against my throat. "I told you not to leave me." Chad threatened. 

I tried to fight against him but there was no use. He was way stronger than me. I knew then I was going to die. No one was there to save me. 

So this time I tried something different. Something I have never done in my entire life: Pray. Would my prayers be answered? Hell no. But I was gonna try. 'Whoever is out there listening...Please help me. I'm being attacked.'

Suddenly, I see a man with dark brown hair, wearing a....trench coat? No way, no one would be crazy enough to wear a trench coat in this heat. I must be hallucinating. 

He stepped closer to me and I screamed as I thought he was going to hurt me as well. 
I watched him as he stopped in front of me, looked me in the eyes and smiled, then placed his hand on top of Chad's head. 

A light, too bright for my eyes, started to glow and I couldn't help but shut them. What was going on? That's when I felt Chad release me, and I ran as fast as I could, trying to get away from the strange man in the trench coat, but he just appeared in front of me and grabbed my arms. 

His ocean blue eyes stared into mine as he places a hand on my forehead. I lifted my hand, searching for the bruises Chad had left on me from earlier, but they were is that even possible?

"W-Who....W-What are you?" I stuttered. I was so anxious being around this man, but part of me felt safe. It's like he was almost...

"I'm Castiel, an angel of the lord. I heard your prayer, and I came to save you."

"Thanks so much!" I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around him, enveloping him in a hug. 
Castiel awkwardly wrapped his arms around me as well, I could tell that he wasn't a hugger. 

Then I let go of him, looking him in the eyes, confused. 
"Did you say angel?" 

Castiel nods. 

"Okay, (Y/N), Once I touch you, you will appear in your home." 

But then he was gone, and I was at home. Safe at last. I ran to the door and poked my head outside to see if Castiel was there, but he was no where in sight. 

That night was the first time I've ever met an angel. 

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