Jo + Benny One Shot: Blood Sucker

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Jo was out and about for the evening. She did a little grocery shopping and was on the way back home now. You see: Jo just got tired of her mother, Ellen. Always telling her what to do and what not to do. She currently living on her own, trying to survive on her own. Keeping herself off the radar so no one could find her, and bring her back to her mom.

Now Jo was free as a bird,and loving every second of it. She was on top of the world. Little did she know, she was being followed. Maybe she wasn't off the radar after all.

Jo was calm, but she could sense eyes on her. She turned around quickly; Nothing. Each time she did a 180; nothing. She led herself into a dark alley, trying to lure in whatever the hell was following her.

She grabbed the small knife that her father had given her out of her boot, and held it out in front of her. "Who's there? Come out you son of a bitch!"She snarled. This was about the fifth time this week, she could sense someone following her.

Almost instantly, she was greeted with a short haired man, a Greek fisherman hat, bluish eyes, and one of his ugliest features, FANGS!

"What do you want from me, bloodsucker?" Jo smirked evilly, ready to fight this blood- sucking bastard.

The vamp just hissed and glared at the cut on her left arm, still quite bloody. He looked like he was...hesitant? The creature slowly moved towards Jo "I SAID, What do you want from me?" She repeated.

"Benny." The vamp whispered, trying its best not to lunge at her.

"What?" She was clearly baffled that this thing hadn't yet attacked her.

" name is Benny." He sniffed the air, smelling blood, trying to ignore the watering of his mouth. Not good. This was driving him even more blood crazed.

"Why do you think I care about your name, Benny? I'm about to kill ya."

Benny shrugged. "I'm not like the others."

"Really? How's that?" Jo stomped her foot impatiently for an answer.

"I'm friends with Dean Winchester." That immediately convinced Jo to drop her knife. There was a few minutes of silence,, Jo trying to collect her thoughts.

"What does Dean have to do with this?" Jo questioned, glaring at Benny.

"He asked me to look after ya, that's all."

"Look after me? No offense, but I'm good, thanks."

"I can't let ya go, little girl. Not like this. Dean wanted to make sure you're safe." He grabs her shoulder. That immediately pissed Jo off, pushing him off, scooping her knife back up from the ground, holding it defensively.

"BACK away, Benny." She growled.
"I don't need ANYONES help."

"Suit yourself. I was just doing Dean a favor that's all. Clearly, you're too bad ass for protection. Carry on." Benny then ran off into the night.

The two went their separate ways and never spotted each other again.

Hiii, I know this is a super random chapter. I actually found it in my drafts and decided to publish it..I hope it's alright ahah.

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