Sam+Dean One Shot: PTSD

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One more cup, just one more...The younger Winchester thought as he was stirring in his sleep. This was his third night without sleep. He had been serious anxiety attacks lately, possibly due to the fact that he was absolutely terrified what had happened to him in the cage.

"Fuck..." He mumbled to himself, turning the alarm clock so he could see the time. 4:08 AM. Shocker.

The amount of anxiety Sam was under, he thought he'd definitely never sleep again.

A few minutes later he grunted, rolling out of bed. He then began to crack his knuckles, and neck. Once he was done, he peeked at Dean who was fast asleep in the bed next to him.

Lucky him...I wish I could get some rest.

He turns the flashlight on his phone, and tip toes to the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee. Thank god it was still warm. The Winchester had been drinking so much of it...he had kept it heated up.

Suddenly, he heard Lucifer's voice. "Sam, Sam. You're not in the motel with Dean..You're in the cage...with me." Lucifer laughs, evilly. That caused Sam to gasp and drop his mug. Dean shot out of the bed, grabbing the pistol from behind his pillow. It took Dean a few moments, but then he realized what had been going on.

"Sammy? Hey.."

Sam was so lost by the voices in his head, that he didn't even realize that he had burnt his feet, and had glass stuck in them.

"Sam..." Dean muttered, slowly and causeously approaching the younger brother.

"It's me, Dean." He had now been standing right infront of Sam, who was too far lost in some sort of hallucination of his.

"Sammy, hey...focus on my voice. Focus on me."

Sam blinked a few times, but Lucifer was just talking SO MUCH! Sam felt the hairs on his neck stick up. Lucifer was creeping up behind him, with a knife to Sam's throat.

Unaware of what to do, Sam just stands there, not hearing a damn thing that Dean was saying to him, or the fact that the elder Winchester was standing in front of him at all!

"Go away!" Sam squeezed his eyes closed, trying to ignore the devil. Sam, know I'm not gonna leave're my bunk buddy!

Dean tried to meet his gaze, but his brother was so out of it, he had no idea what to do!

"SHUT UP!!" Sam shouts out of the blue.

Dean cocks an eyebrow. "I didn't say anything, Sam. Listen to me. He's not here. Please believe me. Focus. It's Dean."

It took Sam a few times to hear Dean. But slowly, he started to come out his hallucination, but not completely.

"That's right, Sam. Focus." "He's lying. Don't listen to him.

Sam heard Lucifer once more, and pushed Dean up to the wall, causing a loud thud.

"Hey, hey! It's me! Don't.." Dean begged. The fact that he actually pulled a knife out and held it to Dean's neck was absolutely terrifying.

"Put that away! It's me! I promise." Dean didn't know what else to do.

Sam grunts when Dean started putting pressure on the cuts on his foot, from the broken glass. "You feel that? That's real pain. Wake up!"

Sam nearly yells as Dean puts even more pressure on his foot. "Don't let him fool you.." Lucifer pleaded.

"SAM! I'm really here. It's me. Look at me, man. Please." Dean was worried sick. He knew that this event took place such a long while ago...he knew how PTSD was. But he didn't realize Sam had it until this morning. Almost 6 AM now and the sun was beginning to come up.

"D-Dean?" He stuttered, after Lucifer's voice was slowly fading out of his head.

"That's right it's me." He literally was about to pass out, from exhaustion.

"Hey, hey. Let's get you to the bed.." Dean put one of Sam's arm around him, so he could support his limp body..once they were to the bed, Dean slowly let him sink into it.

"Dean? What the hell happened?" Sam questions, still a little out of it. "You were hallucinating, Sam. Now relax. Lets patch up that foot." Dean offers and grabbed some tweezers, beginning to pull out the glass.

"Ahhh." Sam winced a few times. "You starting to come out of it?"

"Yeah. That hurts like a bitch.." He states and groans loudly.

"It's okay. Do you want to talk about it?" Dean offers.

Sam just shakes his head. "No, I'm fine." As Dean finished bandaging up his foot, Sam smiles a bit.

"Hey, listen. Thank you for being here for must be hard..watching me like that."

Dean nods. "That's what brothers are for, eh?"

Dean and Sam hug it out, and for the first time in a while, Sam felt comfortable enough to sleep. All thanks to Dean.

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