MishaxReader: It's Your Birthday Misha!

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I knew today was a special day! It was special for me and very special for a person I loved deeply in my heart. He didn't know I existed yet, but soon we will cross paths, and you know! It was about to be the best day of my life: I was going to meet Misha Collins! I was beyond excited. I was anxious as well.

Today was a Supernatural Convention, so I was going to meet all my faves, but lets get real, Misha is my favorite! Anyways. Lets get tot the story!

I already saw fans in line waiting to get into the convention. I was a block away, and I was too excited, I could barely breathe. I felt my heart racing, I never been around so many people that had the same thing in common with me: Our love for Supernatural and the cast members.


I had just gotten out of my Jared and Jensen photo op, I was crying, shaking and I could barely walk. This was a struggle, for me to contain my excitement. Why? Because next I was going to meet Misha freaking Collins!

There was a few minutes before the photo op with Misha, so I had time to waste. I walked around the halls, confused on where I was going, I was sort of dizzy and drained from all the crying.


I fell to the ground and onto my butt.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you up!" Wait a minute, I knew that voice!

I looked up really fast, and it was Misha! I could've sworn he was staring into my soul. I'm nuts right? Well he had his hand out, offering to help me up.

I was actually speechless, Misha Collins and his beautiful face was right in front of me! I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up instantly.

"Are you okay? Did you just have the Jensen and Jared photo op? I know that gets a lot of girls crying. It's okay!" Misha was legitimately talking to me! I was still a little out of it.

"Yes, but today isn't only special for me, it's special for you too! It's your birthday, Misha! I have something for you! I was just about to head down to your photo op!" I informed him. I drew a picture of Misha, (before the convention of course) and handed it to him!

"I'm no artist, but-"

"Are you kidding? This is amazing! I love it so much! It means so much that you'd take the time and draw me!" He chuckled then enveloped me in a tight hug, probably as tight as Jared and Jensen hugged me.

I started sobbing in his arms, I couldn't help it.

"Don't cry! Why don't we walk to the photo op room together?" I nodded fast and he winks at me.

Did he just wink at me? He did! He was such a sweet man!

He was actually letting me walk to the photo op room with him! Holy cow! I couldn't believe. But the sad part was that we had to split up and I had to get in my spot in line.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, okay?"

I nodded and watched Misha walk away. What I noticed was that during his photo ops with other fans, he kept staring back at me. It was amazing. Then it was my turn after centuries of waiting! Even though the photo ops were fast, it felt like ages!

"Hi, again!"

I told Misha and he squeezed me in another tight hug!

What we did for the op was hold the drawing up! I was so happy that Misha loved the picture!
"Thanks for everything, It was great to meet you! Happy birthday again, Misha!"

"Thank you! I hope to see you at future conventions."


I waved and walked off, broke down crying again! Today was a special day for me! It really was! And that's the story of me meeting Misha Collins!

Hi peeps! Believe it or not, this was all made up, I've never been to a convention! I always dreamed it would go like this! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISHA!

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