Dean + Jack One Shot - Stuck

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"Damn it, time you or Cas teleport me.. I swear if I don't poop again for another week, its on you!" Dean hissed, climbing up a small hill on the tiny tropical island they were destined to save for the thousandth time.

"I am sorry, Dean..." Jack had tilted his head, slightly confused at what he had meant.

"You know wh- how the hell are we supposed to get off this stupid island anyways? It's like 100 degrees and I feel like I'm dying. I want to go home."

"But's only been two minutes?"

"SO?" Dean says angrily, then kicks a rock from under his foot. "Anyways, where are the know, the people we're supposed to be saving?"

"I don't know, uh. I'll call Sam." Jack suggested and grabbed his phone. "What? It, uh. Signal. No signal. What does that mean?"

Dean groans looks at Jack, losing just about every single bit of patience he had left.

"It means we're trapped. We can't make calls, texts. Nothing."

"Oh." Jack nods, still way to confused to feel a slight bit nervous. "So what do you say we head that way? It looks like footprints. Someone has been here recently."

Dean nods in agreement, not in any mood to speak. He just follows the path that Jack had picked up and starts sweating tremendously. They've barely been there for twenty minutes and he was already tired.


The boys had been searching the island for hours and it has now reached sunset.

"That's it, Jack. There's no case." Dean spoke up, his throat on fire.

"What do you mean but Cas-"

"NO Jack! There's NO CASE! We've just been searching this goddamn island for HOURS and there's NO ONE HERE!" Dean screamed at the top of his lungs. He collapsed to the ground, exhausted.

"Here. Take some water." Jack hands him one of the couple of waters they had brought in his backpack.

"Thanks." Once Dean was cooled down a bit, he looked over at Jack, who had started a fire.

"How'd you do that man? You have no powers.."

"Oh, it was easy, just-"

"Nevermind. Lets just cook this turtle I found and get some rest." Jack didn't argue with that one. He felt bad for the small creature, but that was their only source of food at the moment.

"Sorry little guy." He says and pouts.

Moments later, the boys heard noises in the trees surrounding them. "Oh HELL no! Who's there? I'm armed!!" Dean threatened and stood up, peaking around a corner of a palm tree. Of course it was too dark to see anything, but he still looked around for the source of the noise anyways.

Suddenly, there was a loud screeching sound and Jack was struck across the head with something, causing him to drop to the ground.

"Come on, seriously!? Don't make me use this." Dean says,pointing at his knife, and glaring at the young girl, scarlet hair, possibly in her early twenties. She was clearly homeless.

Jack attempted to stand up again but of course, she knocked him upside the head again, with what appeared to be a coconut; knocking him out.

"W-Who are...who are you?" The young girl questioned and looked at Dean cautiously.

"Look, we're just looking for a way to get out of here. We aren't looking for trouble." Dean walks slowly towards the girl, and she backs away.

"M-My..U-Uncle, uh. Over. There.." She stuttered and helped Jack up who was now awake and alert.

"Good." Dean held his hands up in surrender and put the knife away.


The next day the Uncle of the young girl was kind enough to help them on their way back home, lended them a raft and a bunch of supplies until Cas was able to locate them in the middle of the ocean and bring them back to bunker. 

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