Sam+Dean Halloween One Shot- Jacko The Clown

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Today was Halloween. The holiday that so many people enjoyed, yet others absolutely despised this particular event. The Winchester brothers absolutely DREADED this day. Well, Dean Winchester on the other hand, may have had a secret liking towards Halloween.

"Hiya, Sammy! Wake up, man. Its friggin Halloween, your favorite day of the year!" Dean says, gleefully, ripping a pillow from under the younger Winchester's head, lifting it up, and immediately hitting him in the face.

"Dean! Stop. I just want to sleep. How are you even awake after that hunt yesterday? That demon literally kicked your ass.." Sam mumbles and takes the pillow from Dean, then makes himself comfortable again in the twin sized bed.

"It did not! Well...maybe it did..." Dean bit his lip awkwardly then sighs. "Seriously, get your ass up, or I'm gonna dump water on you."

"Nope." Sam says, stubbornly, and closes his eyes.

Dean nods. "Okay, Sleeping Beauty. Enjoy. But don't be mad when Jack wakes you up again, asking about why clocks tick."

Dean slowly tip toes to Sam's bedside table, secretly placing a very special plush clown on the bedside, facing it so Sam would immediately be greeted once he had waken.


It was about 5 pm when Sam finally decided to rise and shine. He grunted a few times, slowly opening eyes to a blurry figure on his bedside.

"What the hell...DEAN!" He shouts and shoots out of his bed like lightning, stumbling over his own feet.

"Dean! Get. Your. Ass. In. Here." Sam hissed and stomped his foot impatiently.

Dean chuckled as he strolled down the hall at Sam's reaction and acted as casual as possible.

"What's up, Sammy?"

"Dean...what the THIS?" Sam slowly proceeded to pick up the plush toy, flinching when Sam accidentally clicked the button that was on the stomach, clearly not visible; allowing the clown to erupt in laughter.

Sam was spooked once more, dropping it onto the ground, groaning.

"What's the matter, Sammy? Don't you like Jacko the clown?"

"You named it? No- nevermind. I hate it. Get it away from me!"

"Okay, okay. It was just a joke! Relax. I'll get rid of it. I promise." Dean scooped up the clown, carrying it off into the next top secret spot; the shower.


Sam frowns and left his room, ready to get his greasy, dread locked hair, clean. Sam stepped into the shower, not even noticing that there, right next to his head, was the stuffed toy once again.

Sam started to rinse his hair, then proceeding to scrub his scalp, humming a tad. He then opened his eyes, spotting the clown on top of the soap.

Sam gasped and nearly slipped.

"DEAN!! Not. Funny." Sam threw the thing out of the shower, mumbling profanity, as he heard Dean cracking up in the other room.

Once he had finished his twenty minute long shower, he grabbed his towel, and temporarily forgot about Jacko on the floor.

He heard the clown laughing, and for the last time, he grabbed the clown, and flung it into the garbage.

Rolling his eyes he dresses up, and turns to walk out the door when suddenly, Dean jumped in front of Sam, scaring the bejesus out of him.

"Okay you know what? I had enough of your childish behavior. If you want to keep pranking me, there fine. But you better watch your back."

Dean may have gotten the last laugh...or so he thought. The remainder of Halloween, the boys continously pranked each other, resulting in a pretty spooky, cool day. Maybe Halloween wasn't the worst holiday after all.

Hii guys, sorry this was late. But I hope you had an amazing halloween!

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