Sam+DeanxReader: Hellhound Attack

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I was in the hospital, with a Subderal hematoma, several opened wounds and a fractured ankle. The doctors had not yet patched up my open wounds, but two boys. I forgot there names were there to comfort me. I couldn't remember much because of my brain bleed, but they repeatedly told me their names. Sam and Dean? And they were kind enough to patch up my cuts until the doctor got here.

Once he was here, he looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. He told me about all of my wounds, head injury, and fractured ankle, which I already knew about. But he continued to talk anyways. Carrying on about how I was gonna need surgery and all the risks. He asked me what happened. I knew he wouldn't believe me if I told him. But I did anyways, and it was a LONG story.

I was coming home one rainy, cold, October day from work. I was a waitress at some stupid bar that always had drunken guys asking me out and hitting on me. And I was sick of it. And I mean always. I was walking home mainly because I couldn't afford a car and all of that jazz, through the woods. Of course I lived in some beat down cabin surrounded by trees, deep, deep into the forest. It was not like I had a choice or anything. I was piss broke. I was alone, sweaty, my feet and back ached, and I was in a hell of a bad mood. Some guy today thought it was okay to put his hands on I had enough...I kinda punched the guy. What can I say? Self defense. I caused all sorts of commotion so I lost my job. Not a shocker there.

I groaned and walked, and walked, and walked for what felt like hours. I was even more pissy when it started to rain even heavier. I was shivering now. And that's when it happened.

I was attacked. You wouldn't believe me if I told you by what. I'll tell you anyways. It was a hellhound. Or so I believed. You see, I was young, dumb, and stupid when I made a deal with a demon. To find my true love. I was desperate because I was a complete loser in high school, I had braces, frizzy hair, and I was a complete nerd. And it never happened. Some demon dick, "King of hell" whatever you want to call him named Crowley didn't own up to the deal. Anyways, my time was up.

"Shit. I know it's time." I said to myself in a cool tone, trying my best to stay calm. But of course that wasn't the case. The growls kept growing louder and louder. I slowly turned my head around..and I noticed something unexpected. These things were invisible!

I screamed bloody murder and took off running as fast as my legs could carry me. It wasn't possible to outrun the hounds though. They were entirely too fast, howling and growling profusely, eventually catching up with me.

That's when I felt the sharp pains, three scratches ripped through my side and I was knocked down to the ground, slamming my head against a giant tree root sticking out of the dirt.

"DEAN! She's right here!" I hear someone shout. A male, husky voice. He ran towards me, I listened to the leaves crunch under his feet. Followed by a loud whimper, I'm guessing from the hellhound?

"Hey, hey. I'm Sam, this is Dean. We killed the hellhound but that won't keep them off you for long." Sam says to me.

"Help." I day, my voice cracking. I was in extreme pain. I knew I was hurt...bad.

"Let's get you to the hospital, darlin." Dean says, scooping me up into his arms. I hissed in pain trying my best not to scream in Dean's ear.

"I know, I know it hurts. But you're gonna have to stay with me, okay?" Sam says softly once we were in the backseat of a '67 Chevrolet Impala.

I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but it was freaking impossible.

"Hey! Sam, Keep her awake!" Dean demands.

"I know Dean, but she has a head injury." He snapped.

Holding my head up, he repeatedly told me to look at him.

I was having a VERY hard time with that though. "(Y/N)!" Was the last thing I heard before completely passing out.

Hiii guys! I hope you enjoyed this short xReader. Part 2? Up to you! Thanks for reading.

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