DeanxReader: Concerned Dean/Burgers

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I was super happy to see the Winchester's today! We've been friends ever since I caught them playing 'FBI', which I found rather adorable! I walked to the entrance of the bunker then knocked not too hard on the metal door.

"(Y/N)!" Dean was the first to give me a giant biggest bear hug! I nearly wasn't as strong as him, so i hadn't even bothered trying to squeeze him back as hard.

"Okay, Dean, okay. You're breaking my back here." I giggled uncontrollably. It was odd, and Dean was kinda confused by it. But he did pick up on it fast. 

"Hey, you okay?" Dean placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me, deeply concerned.

"Yeah Dean. I'm fine." Dean knew I had trouble with 'mental health issues', or so the doctor called it. I was greatly offended by that. I hate being labeled 'mentally ill' or whatever. Of course that didn't matter to anyone though. But Dean was always here for me. As was one.

Dean hadn't removed his hand from my shoulder. "Dean, I'm okay, really!"

"What did the doctor say?" 

I sighed and looked back at Dean with a sad expression. "He said if I had another episode, I'll be hospitalized."

"Oh god, (Y/N), I'm so sorry." I could tell Dean really meant it.

"Listen to me, you can stay here as long as you want. I don't care what Sammy says, okay?"

I gulped and shook my head. "No Dean! I can't do that!" 

"Sweetheart, I mean it. Stay." I smiled weakly and followed Dean into the bunker.

Sam smiled at me. "Hey, (Y/N), we've got burgers."

"Hell yeah! Give me some." I blurted out, not even caring how stupid I looked. I felt my mood definitely increasing.

"Hey, that's the spirit!" Dean gave me a high five and winked at me. 

"Give me, give me!" Dean was clearly being an ass at the moment, holding the burger above his head. 

"Stop Dean!"

"No way, jump for it!" He was totally flirting with me, so I went with it. 

I jumped and jumped, until I couldn't take it anymore. He finally gave me a break and gave it to me.

"Thank you!" I gave Dean a cheeky smile, and sat down next to Sam. 

"Uh, uh, Princess, you're sitting next to me."

"Relax, Dean. She can sit wherever she wants!" Sam says annoyed with how controlling he was being. 

"Yeah Dean!" I say playfully, sticking my tongue out at him.

Dean tagged along and crossed his arms and pouts like a toddler whos mother refused to give them a cookie. It was honestly adorable!

"Fine, but next time, I sit next to Sam." 


It was nighttime and the brothers and I spent the rest of the night watching Twilight movies. Even Cas joined! 

"I still don't the reference, 'eat it twilight'." 

All of us busted out laughing. It was a good night overall. One of the best ones I've had in a while.

HIii guys! I'm sorry its been a while. I've been hella busy. I hope you enjoyed this tiny xReader!

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