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"Stop holding your breath" Ben whispered against her neck. Today was family dinner day. Everything was prepared, and their families were on their way. Ben and Miranda were standing in the kitchen. He was holding her and trying to calm her down.

"Sorry" She exhaled

"Deep breaths, everything will be okay" He kissed her forehead "You're their daughter"

"Don't underestimate my father"

"I have a daughter too, and as a father, I'm telling you. It will be okay. I might can give him some tips"

"Ben he's been a father way longer than you've been a father. Your daughter isn't even born yet" She laughed

"I got you to laugh though" He smiled
Someone knocked on the door and she jumped.

"I'll get it" Ben rubbed her shoulders

"But what if it's my parents? Do you want to be the first face they see"

"Would you rather you two open the door" He pointed to her baby bump

"Right" She nodded
He kissed her cheek and walked over to the door. He smiled opening it

"Ros" He hugged his sister

"Benji" She squeezed him

"Dad" He hugged him

"Hey there son" His dad patted his back
They walked in and Ben smiled at Miranda who was setting the table

"This is my sister Rosalind and my father Frederick"

"Pleased to meet you" She smiled
They took their seats and when another knock came Ben opened the door prepared to come face-to-face with her parents

"Oh" Her mother was surprised but smiled at him " You must be the man Mandy told us about"

"Benjamin Warren" He smiled leading them inside.

"Elena Bailey. And this is her father William" She smiled

"That is my father and my sister" Ben pointed
They all waved and exchanged pleasantries.

"We have prepared a lovely dinner" Ben smiled as they took their seats

"What did you prepare son" His dad laughed

"I taste tested everything and it was lovely" He laughed "Also I put those buns right there in the oven"

Miranda looked at him for his choice of words. She was so sure she was sweating and she felt her leg shaking and her heart pounding. She stared at her parents. They had to know something was up. She didn't greet them at the door and she hasn't hugged them since they got here.

"How was the flight" She smiled

"It was okay, I was just so excited you called" Her mom smiled

"We always love seeing our daughter" Her dad smiled

"Well you both have raised a lovely woman" Ben looked at Miranda "And I see where she gets her beauty from"

"You trying to butter me up" Elena chuckled

"I am just stating the truth"

"So I hear you're a pediatric surgeon, is that something you always wanted to do" Rosalind asked

"No actually, I was in general surgery first. But the head of peds saw I had a certain talent for pediatric surgery"

"You should see her with the kids. She makes big scary surgeries seem not so scary for them. I watched her help repair a heart and it was the best thing I had ever seen" Ben rubbed Miranda's hand

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