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"Where is daddy" Ben covered his eyes "peekaboo"
Dani erupted in laughter as Ben played peek-a-boo with her for the tenth time. She was now 5 months old and Ben couldn't believe it. He also couldn't believe how a year since meeting Miranda had gone by already. They still were living apart but now sex was included in their relationship and truthfully he couldn't get enough of her. He wanted to make things official with her. He wanted her to move in and he wanted to propose. He told his sister all about his plans and they even went a bought a ring together but he wanted everything to be perfect so he had to find the time when they weren't both incredibly busy. He got Dani dressed and then sat her on the bed as he got dressed.

"Let's get you to daycare" He picked her up, grabbed the diaper bag, and walked out to his car

"Isn't she adorable" A woman in the parking lot smiled at him

"Yep, she looks just like my wife" He placed Dani in her car seat before closing the door.
"Good day" He got in his car and drove off. He got to the hospital and dropped Dani off at the daycare. He changed into his scrubs and went about going to find Miranda so he could see her before he got his day started since they didn't stay with each other last night.

"Warren" Richard stopped him

"Hello sir" He smiled

"Warren" Mark walked up

"Sloan" Ben smiled

"Warren" Owen walked up

"Chief Hunt" He nodded at him "I must be the man to see today" he laughed

"Look at him being so humble" Mark laughed "I didn't teach you that"

"Humble about what" He shook his head

"You just published" Richard looked at him

"Published" Ben looked at him

"You and Dr. Steven Hewitt from UCLA. You published a journal about minimally invasive procedures for breast surgeries"

"You didn't tell me you were working on robotic surgery" Mark patted his back

"I mean yeah my buddy and I were working on it before I left" Ben shook his head "Excuse me"
He walked into a closet and called Steven.
"Ben hey" Steven's voice sounded cheerful through the phone

"You published without telling me man"

"The work was essentially done, man. It was just sitting here so why not" He laughed "I did some finishing touches and sent it off"

"What if I wanted to read over it, or add something? I didn't finish my work on it"

"Just because you left me alone here to finish the work doesn't mean I'd take your name off of it" He laughed "Dani is you and Miranda's baby. Robot surgery on boobs is ours. We worked hard on this Ben"

"Please don't call it robot surgery on boobs" He sighed

"It's what it is though" He laughed "But man sorry I didn't give you a heads up but consider it an early half-birthday gift for your daughter. From Uncle Stevie"

"Half-birthdays aren't a thing Stevie. You didn't speak for me did you"

"I told you, everything was done. We were ready to publish before you left remember"

"I honestly forgot about that work. Everything in my life is so different" He rubbed his face "It's all the same work we already had in there"

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