Part 2: First Encounter

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Joong took Lego to Phuwin's house next morning. Lego rang the door bell excitedly. He loved to stay with Phuwin because Phuwin always treat him with candies. As soon as the door opened Lego jumped and hugged the person.

"Woah! What?" A confused voice heard and Lego looked up for a unfamiliar face. Nevertheless He carried lego.

"Where's my uncle Phu?" Lego asked looking at the person with his big round eyes.

"Oh.. Your uncle Phu is in the kitchen. You must be Lego right?" The boy nodded his head.

"I'm Dunk. Your uncle Phu's friend." The person said smiling at the little boy in his hands.

"Hello uncle Dunk. Can you put me down. So I can go to my uncle Phu." The boy asked cutely pouting his lips.

Dunk put the baby on the ground and he ran to kitchen where Phuwin was. Dunk looked at the person at the door who was staring at him without blinking. He felt bit uncomfortable under Joong's gaze.

Joong saw the most beautiful man he ever seen in his life at Phuwin's door. He had very delicate features. Long eye lashes, a perfect nose and what caught Joong's attention most was his perfect lips. Joong couldn't take his eyes off from his lips. The way he talked with Lego gave a very warm feeling in Joong's heart.  He smiled very brightly with Lego and Joong's whole world brightened with his smile.

"Ehem. Please come in." Joong came back to the reality with the voice. He didn't realise he was starting at the man in front of him. Joong noded and entered the house.

Phuwin was cooking in the kitchen when when Joong entered the house.

"Joong, did you guys had breakfast? Do you want me to make something for you too." Phuwin asked.

"No Phuwin. I'll have breakfast in the office."

"Okay then, how about a coffee?"

Joong noded his head and Phuwin looked at Dunk.

"Dunk, can you make a cup of coffee for him?" Phuwin asked with pleading eyes. Dunk noded and went to make a coffee.

"I didn't introduce you two. Joong this is my best friend from college., Dunk. and Dunk this is Pond's best friend Joong."

"Joong?? Loke Joong Archen?" Dunk's asked looking at Joong."

Joong smirked and noded his head.

"I am Joong Archen."

"Wow, you never told me you have a famous friend." Dunk said pouting. He served the coffee to Joong.


"Uncle Phu, do you have any cookies?"  Lego came to Phuwin and asked with his puppy eyes.

"Lego, You had enough cookies yesterday." Joong said sternly and Lego's eyes filed with tear. Joong knew very well that he was just acting. But Dunk who always had a soft heart for kids could not bear to watch him cry.

"One cookie won't hurt anyone." Dunk took a cookie from the jar and gave it to Lego. Lego smiled sweetly at Dunk.

"Thank you uncle Dunk."

Dunk smiled back and ruffled Lego's hair. Joong was going to argue but his phone started to ring saving both Lego and Dunk.

"You are lucky that I have to go to the office now." Said Joong getting up from his seat. Lego ran to Joong and hugged him.

"Bye bye papa. I love you." said Lego while hugging Joong. Joong hugged his little boy back and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too pup. Now don't make trouble to uncle Phuwin and be a good kid. okay?"

"Okay papa."

"I'll see you in the evening."

Then he looked at Dunk.

"Don't give him anymore cookies." Dunk didn't said anything but noded his head.

Joong said goodbye to Phuwin and Lego and left for the office.

A/N :

First I want to tell you I did not rate this as mature because this will be soft fluff story. I thought that Since there is a child involved making this mature is not good.

I know the chapters are not long like the previous story. But I have only little time to write. I am going to finish this as soon because I have my exams in April. I need to study and with by job it is not easy.

Thank you all for reading my story. I love you all 😘❤️❤️❤️

Ps: I did not ask for photos from Joong.. 😂😂😂

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