Part 12: Hidden feelings

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It took Joong another two days to fully recovered and it was all thanks to Dunk. Even though Dunk was with them as usual Joong realised that something has changed in him. He didn't speak like he used to and didn't come to Joong's room unless it was very necessary. He noticed that his attitude towards him also had changed. He spent most of his time with Lego in his room. Joong couldn't help but think that Dunk was trying to avoid him. But he had no idea why.

Joong hadn't been to office in a week so there were so much work to do. He had postponed very important meeting with a client because of his sickness. Even Pond wasn't there to handle it. He couldn't postpone it anymore or he would lose the client.

Dunk came right on time for him to leave. Joong greeted Dunk first and Dunk greeted him back but it was not warm as it used to be. Joong tried not to give it a thought and left after saying goodbye to Lego.

Joong had lots of meetings to attend that day. When he looked at the clock in the middle of the day it was already 3pm. There were about three more meetings to attend he was sure he wouldn't be able to leave the office at least until 10pm. So he called Dunk to inform. Dunk answered within three rings.


"Hello Dunk. I'll be late today. Can you stay until I come?" Joong asked knowing very well that Dunk wouldn't refuse him.

"At what time will you be coming?"

"I can't tell exact time. But it will be around past 10."

"Okay." Dunk said and hung up the phone. Joong looked at his own phone in disbelief.

"Did he just hung up on me? Why is he mad with me?" Joong asked himself and his secretary looked at him with a weird look.

"Mr. Archen, the client is here for the meeting." The secretary informed Joong.

"Okay. Let's go."

It was past 11 pm when Joong came home. The house was dark. A small light was coming from the living room. Joong headed to the living room. The scene in front of him make him lost his breath.

Dunk was there in the living room.He was sleeping on the couch. Joong was memorized by Dunk's beauty. Dunk was beautiful. There was no doubt about it. But this was the first time Joong could take a good look at his face. Dunk had very stand out features. He had long eyelashes even girls didn't have. Then he had a very perfect nose. His jaw line also perfect. Lastly Dunk had the most beautiful lips Joong had ever seen. They were very plumped and red even without using any lip gloss. Joong wondered how those plumped lips would taste. Joong shook his head as soon as the thought came to his mind.

Joong went near the sleeping figure and knelt down beside him. There was strand of hair covering Dunk's eye and Joong removed it with his fingers. Dunk stirred and opened his eyes. Their eyes met for a moment and the gaze lingered for few seconds before Dunk avert his eyes. Dunk got up hurriedly.

"Did you come just now? Sorry I felt sleep. Lego is on bed." Dunk said and tried to stand from the chair. Joong held Dunk's hand and made him sit back. Then he sat beside Dunk.

"Dunk, are you mad at me?" Joong asked the question that was in his mind for last few days. Dunk looked at Joong surprised.

"No, Why would I be mad at you?"

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

"I- I'm not avoiding you." Dunk stuttered and tried to free his hand but Joong grabbed it tighter.

"You are still trying to avoid me."

"Joong, let me go."

"No Dunk. Tell me why you are suddenly treating me like a stranger."

"BECAUSE YOU ARE." Dunk shouted and got up from the couch. His eyes filled with tears. Joong was surprised with Dunk's sudden outburst and immediately let go of his hand.

"We are strangers. I'm just here to baby sit your son. There's nothing more than that between us. "

"Dunk, for me you are more than a babysitter. You are one of my closest friends." Joong said. His voice was desperate. There was a hint of fear in his voice. Of course he was scared. He was scared that Dunk will leave him. He was scared that he'll never see him again.

Joong didn't really understood what he felt about Dunk. All he knew was he needed Dunk with him. He needed Dunk in his life. When he said Dunk the other day that he wanted to get married again he didn't have anyone in mind. But he thought that if he is going to find someone at least that person should love Lego like Dunk does. That person should care for them like Dunk. And deep down in his mind Joong thought it would be better if that person could be Dunk.

"I need to go home." Dunk said and go to door.

Joong sighed. Dunk was not going to talk to him. At least not yet.

"It's late. You can't go alone. Stay the night." Joong said stopping Dunk.

"I'll be fine." Dunk was about to leave but Joong grabbed his hand.

"Don't be stubborn Dunk. I'll be responsible if something happened to you."

Dunk breathed a defeated sighed. Then he nodded his head.

"There are some food on the counter. Heat it before eat." Said Dunk and went to bed.


I totally forgot about Phoon.🤣🤣🤣
Joong supposed to get sick after a Phoon scene. Now I have to change the plot. Yet again... There were no plot to begin with.. 🤣🤣

Very hard chapter to write. Always struggle with these emotional and angst scenes.

Please comment your thoughts and vote if you love this part.

I love all you so much.😘❤️❤️❤️❤️

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