Part 3: No Choice

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"Joong, I'm sorry. But Phuwin said he can't babysit Lego tomorrow. He has a due project and he's staying at his friend's dorm."

One evening Pond called Joong when he was getting ready for the meeting next day. It's been two weeks since the last baby sitter quit and Joong still couldn't find someone to take care of Lego.

"Okay Pond. Thank you for trying to help me. I'll figure something out." Joong sighed and hang up the phone.

In the next morning Joong had no choice but to take Lego to the office with him. He hoped someone in the office can take care of Lego until the meeting was over.

"What do you want for the breakfast?" Joong entered the cafe carrying the five year old in his hands.

"Anything you like papa. But I want a strawberry milkshake."

"okay then." Joong went to the counter for their order.

"I'm sorry sir. But the strawberry milkshake is over. Can I give you a chocolate milk shake instead."

Joong saw how son's face turned into a sad puppy face. A little pout sneaked.

"No it's okay. We'll come another time." Joong was ready went out but Lego's scream stopped him.

"Uncle DunkDunk!" Lego got down from Joong's hamds and ran to the said man. Joong had to chase after the boy.

Dunk was waiting for his drink when he heard a loud scream of his name from a familiar sweet voice. He turned and saw a cute little face running to him. He caught the boy on time when he jumped on him.

"Hello pup. What are you doing here early in the morning on a Saturday." Dunk saw the boys father came after him.

"Papa has a very important meeting and uncle Phuwin is also busy. So there is no one to take care of me. Papa taking me to his office. We came to get breakfast. But they don't have strawberry milkshake anymore." Lego keep talking animatedly and Dunk listened to his each and every word with a smile on his face.

"Sir, your strawberry milkshake is ready." Lady on the counter said giving Dunk his strawberry milkshake.

"Didn't you said it's over?" Lego asked with a wide eyes. The Lady smiled at him kindly.

"Yes. This was the last one. He ordered it before you came in."

The sad puppy look returned to Lego's face again. Dunk couldn't help but smile at the boys cute face.

"Here kiddo, you can have this." Dunk said offering his drink to Lego. Lego's eyes beamed with happiness as he took the milkshake.

"Dunk-" Joong was about to refuse the drink but Dunk raised his hand and said Joong to hold still.

"It's okay. He looked like a sad puppy just now."

Joong couldn't help but feel grateful for Dunk making his son happy again.

"Let me buy you something then. And no you can't refuse." Joong said before Dunk said no. Dunk had no choice.

"Chocolate milkshake then." Dunk said sighing.

Joong went to the counter again to order and Dunk went to find a seat for them with Lego.

"Papa, can I stay with uncle DunkDunk today?" Lego asked while sipping his milkshake.

Joong shook his head saying no.

"Uncle Dunk has lot of work to do. We can't bother him."

"Oh, okay." Lego said pouting again. Joong thought that If he pout one more time his lips would have a pout for the rest of his life.

"Actually, if you don't mind I can take care of him today. I don't have any special work to do." Dunk said looking at Joong. Joong looked at him wide eyes.

"No Dunk. I don't want to bother you with my problems. You giving your drink to him is already enough." Joong said with a small smile in his face. He felt really grateful for Dunk. Dunk blushed seeing Joong's genuine smile towards him and he looked down.

"Papa, please... " Lego started to pleas with his best puppy eyes. He knew his father cannot refuse them.

"It's really okay. I can take csre of him." Dunk said again.

Joong sighed. He knew his son would keep nagging if he didn't let him stay with done. But on the other hand Dunk and him are still strangers.

It's not that Joong didn't trust Dunk to keep Lego with him. He just felt like he was taking advantage from Dunk's kindness. He did not want to burden other people with his problems.

At the end Joong had no choice but to let Lego stay with Dunk for the day.

"I will come and get you at the evening. Don't make trouble to your uncle." Joong said sniffing his son's cheeks.

"okie dokie"

"And if there is anything call me." Joong said and exchange his number with Dunk.

"Don't worry. You go to the meeting. We'll be fine." Dunk said with a big smile and Joong returned the smile.

Dunk and Lego watched Joong as he get on the car and drive off.

"So, are you ready for a blast today?" Dunk asked smiling at the cute boy.

"Yessssss" The boy screamed so loudly that some of the people that were passing them turned around to look at them.

"Let's go then."

A/N: Don't ask me how Joong know where Dunk live. They have already talked and figured it out..😂😂😂

Lego is a very stubborn and cute little baby. ❤️❤️

Tell me your thoughts on today's chapter. And don't forget to vote.

I love you all so much. 😘❤️❤️❤️

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