Part 26: Guilty Conscious

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Joong, Pond, Phuwin and Book was sitting in Joong's living room. Lego was playing with his toys in front of them. Book's phone started to ring and everyone looked at him with anticipation.

"It's Force." Before answer the phone.

"Did they found him?" Book asked. Then Joong saw the expression of Book's face changed. He looked worried.

"Is he okay?" Book asked again.

"Okay. We'll come righ away." Said Book and hung up.

"What did he say? Is Dunk okay?" Joong asked as soon.

"We need to go to the hospital." Book daid without answering Joong.

"Why? Is something happened to him?" Joong screamed at Book. Even Lego got scared. Pond hold Joong's shoulder and tried to calm him down.

"Joong, calm down. Let's go to the hospital and see what is happening." Pond said.

"I'll stay with Lego. I don't think it's a good idea to take him there." Phuwin said. Even though he was so worried about his best friend he knew that Joong and Book had to be there with Dunk. And only Pond can control Joong's temper. So Phuwin thought that it was better to let them go to hospital.

All three of them went to the car. Pond took the wheel. He drove fast to the hospital. They met Force at the entrance.

"Force.." Book called seeing Force. Force came to them.

"Where is Dunk? What happened to him?" Joong asked as soon as Force came to them.

"He is fine. He was just shocked. Come this way." Force said and everyone followed him. Then he stopped in front of a patient room.

"Go in. But don't shout." Force said.

Joong, Pond and Book went inside. Inside the room there was Dunk sleeping peacefully. He had a saline connected to his hand. Joong thought he looked paler and thin. It broke Joong's heart to see Dunk like that. He couldn't help but feel guilty about that. His eyes filled with tears.

"It's not your fault Joong. Don't blame yourself." Book said holding Joong's shoulder. Joong noded his head, holding back his tears.

"He was so weak when they found him. But he was conscious. So doctors gave him medicine to fell sleep. He need to rest." Force explained staying behind them.

"Let's go out and let him rest." Pond said amd tried to drag Joong out of the room. But Joong refused and remained still.

"Joong - " Pond tried to argue with Joong but Book stopped him.

"Let him stay. Let's go out." Pond sighed and let go of Joong. Pond, Force and Book went outside and closed the door behind them.

Joong stand still there looking at Dunk for about a minute. Then he slowly went near him. He hold Dunk's hand and saw a red line near his wrist. Joong felt anger rising inside him. He wanted to punch Phoon so bad. If he ever see him again he would probably kill the man right there.

"I'm so sorry Dunk. It was all my fault." Joong wishpered, even though he knew Dunk was not able to hear him. He kissed Dunk's wrist.

"I promise you. I'll never let anyone hurt you." Tears started to flow from Joong's eyes. After few minutes staying by Dunk's side Joong got up to leave.

"Get well soon baby." Joong wishpered and kissed Dunk's forehead before he went out of the room.

"There's no point of we all staying here. You all go back and come later." Book said.

"But is it good to leave him alone?" Pond asked concerned about Dunk's safety.

"I'll stay." Joong said without thinking twice.

"You can't Joong. Lego is waiting for you at home. I'll stay with Dunk." Book said kindly looking at Joong. Joong wanted to argue, but the same time he knew what Book said was true. Lego was home waiting for him. So he noded his head reluctantly.

Pond drove Joong back home. As soon as Joong opened the door Lego came running.

"Papa, how is my uncle DunkDunk?" Lego asked looking at Joong with his round big eyes. Joong felt warm looking at his son. He carried the boy in his arms.

"Your uncle DunkDunk is fine baby. We can visit him tomorrow." Joong said while kissing his son's cheek.


My mid exam is finally over. It was eating me alive. I was so stressed.

Actually I wanted to write this part in the morning. But head was blank since I woke up early morning today.

In another two parts this story will come to its end. I haven't think about what I'm going to do after finishing this story.

My end semester exams will start in mid April. So if I start a new story I will go hiatus in the middle because of exam.

So I was thinking about writing one shots. It would be like snippets from their daily lives. Only until my exams are over. After exams I will start a new story.

Do tell me your thoughts on this.

Thank you for always supporting my stories. I'm really glad to have nice readers like you all. I love you all. 😘❤️❤️❤️

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