Part 21:A glimmer of Hope

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Phuwin ran to the mall where Dunk asked him to go. He saw his boy already there. Few police officers and managers from nearest shops were also there. A security guard from the mall was talking with Pond. Phuwin's heart skipped a beat as they near the crowd.

Dunk almost ran to them. Phuwin had never seen his friend this broken before. Not even when Phoon broke up with him. His whole body was shaking as he tried his best not to cry.

"Joong!" Dunk ran to the man who was sitting on a chair beside Pond. His hair was dishevelled. A tie was hanging loosely in his neck. Du k felt his heart shattered into pieces seeing how miserable Joong was.

Joong looked at the voice. He saw Dunk running towards him. His eyes were  flowing with tears and he was trembling. Joong stand up from the seat when Dunk came closer. Dunk held Joong's hands.

"What happened to Lego? Where is he?" Dunk asked crying.

"I don't know Dunk. He was beside me and the next second he was not. I don't know where he is."

"We'll find him buddy. Don't worry." Pond said coming to them after talking to the guard.

"Mr Archen, we are going to check the CCTV in the area. I'm sure we will find something. You should go home for now. We'll inform you as soon as we find something." The police officer said. But none of them wanted to leave.

"Office, Do you think this as a kidnap to take bribe?" Phuwin asked thoughtfully.

"If it is then they will call within today. In that case we have to tap your phone. If you get a message a any means you should inform us." Officer said seriously.

Pond and Phuwin dragged Joong and Dunk from the mall.

"Joong, can you tell what happened exactly?"

Phuwin asked when they came back. T
Joong, Dunk, Pind and Phuwin were currently sitting on Joong's place. Joong sighed.

"We were supposed to meet Nine at the mall. We were waiting for him. Lego said he wants to eat Ice cream. So I bought him one and we were sitting at a bench. Then Nine called me to tell me that he had a urgent work and will be late. After the call when I turned around he was not there anymore. It was only few seconds and he was gone."

Joong grabbed his hair. He was desperate. He didn't know what to do or who to talk. Dunk put his hand on Joong's back and gently rub his back.

Thry heard the door bell ring. Phuwin walked up to the door and opened. Nine came in hurriedly.

"Joong I just heard what happened. I'm sorry. It was all my fault. I should have come one time." Nine said kneeling down in front of Joong. He held Joong's hand in his and squeezed them.

"It's not your fault. I should have look after him better." Joong choked in his tears. Nine hugged him tightly.

"Don't say that Joong. We all know how you take care of Lego." Nine said.

Joong's phone started to ring. Phuwin took the phone and saw it's from a unknown number. He answered thinking that it would be some information about Lego. His eyes widened when he answered the call. He put the call on speaker.

"Mr. Archen. I have your son with me." Everyone's eyes widened after hearing that. Joong snatched the phone from Phuwin.

"Where are you? Is my baby okay?"

"Your baby is totally fine. But for how long is depending on you." The caller said. His voice was dangerous.

"What do you mean? Don't do anything to him. What do you want?" Joong asked. His voice was shaking and tears flowing his eyes.

"I want 20 million dollars. I know a person like you it's just a small amount."

"I'll give you anything. Where should I bring money?"

"I'll send you the place and time. Don't bring anyone with you. And don't even think of telling this to police if you want to see your baby again."

With that he hung up. No one in the room talked until few seconds. Then Pond spoke.

"What do we do now?"

"You heard him. I'll give him the money and bring my baby."

"Joong, it's dangerous." Dunk said cautiously. He definitely felt something was very wrong.

"He has my baby. What do you expect me to do?" Joong asked.

"What if he is lying? He didn't even let us hear Lego. He can harm you." Dunk tried his best to reason with Joong.

"I'll go and see. If he doesn't bring Lego then I won't give them money."

"But still -"

"Shut up Dunk. He is my baby. I will do anything to save him." Dunk shut his mouth. He didn't want to argue with Joong anymore.

"Joong, you need to rest. " Pond said grabbing Joong's shoulder.

"I don't want to sleep."

"You need strength. So go and sleep."

"Pond is right. Common, I'll help you to bed." Nine said grabbing Joong's hand and helping him to stand. Joong looked at Dunk.

"Dunk, can you come with me?" Both Dunk and Nine looked at him surprised. Then Dunk noded and followed Joong to his room. Pond and Phuwin exchanged a glance but didn't say anything.

Dunk entered Joong's room. He had never been to Joong's room alone. It was always woth Lego. His heart pained remembering the little boy. He remembered how he always dragged Dunk to Joong's room to wake him up. Then screaming cheerfully until Joong wakes up. Dunk's eyes filled with tears. He came to his senses when a cold palm pressed to his cheeks wiping his tears.

"Don't cry Dunk. I miss him too." Joong said looking at Dunk.

"He'll be fine. You won't let anything happen to him. right?" Dunk asked. His eyes almost pleading.

"I won't. I'll bring him back to you. Bcak to us." Joong said hugging Dunk tightly.

Dunk helped Joong to bed. He covered him with the blanket and was ready to leave. But Joong grabbed his and looked at Dunk, silently asking him to stay with him. Dunk didn't say anything either. He nodded his head and laid beside Joong. After sometime Joong fell sleep holding Dunk's hand in his.

Dunk was not sleeping. He pretended to sleep until Joong fell sleep. Then he got up from bed and went to balcony with his phone in his hand. If his hunch was right he would bring Lego home unharmed.


First sorry for Not updating yesterday and late update today. Yesterday I fell sleep, today I had a night dj to attend. 😁

My brain is not functioning well today. So the story might seems boring. Sorry for that too. 😁😁

Who do you think is the kidnapper and what do you think he really want?

Comment your thoughts and vote for the story. 😁😁

Thank you all for reading and I love you all so much. 😘😘❤️❤️❤️

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