Part 11: Pain in My Heart

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Joong was sick for three days. Dr Jimmy dropped by again to check on Joong. Pond was still on abroad and Phuwin also came to check on Joong once. Joong's fever already had gone down but his body was still weak. He couldn't walk without help of Dunk.

Dunk was in the Joong's place for last three days. He went to his house once to bring his things and inform his brother that he'll be staying at Joong's place for few days. He took care of both Lego and Joong. Dunk was glad that Joong was able to get up from bed on his own now. But he still needed his help to walk.

"Papa can uncle DunkDunk stay with us forever?" That night when they were having dinner Lego asked out of nowhere. Both Joong and Dunk choked on their food with the sudden question. Lego looked at them with his best puppy eyes.

"No Lego. Uncle DunkDunk has his own house. If he stayed here who is going to take care of his brother?" Joong said ruffling Lego's hair. Lego pout and started eating. But the little pout never left his face. Both Joong and Dunk couldn't help but smile at the cute boy.

After dinner they decided to watch a movie. In the middle of the movie Lego fell asleep and Dunk put him to bed. Then he helped Joong to his bed.

"Dunk." Joong called Dunk when he was about to leave.

"What is it?" Dunk could see that Joong wanted to tell him something but he was still thinking.

"Last few days I realised that how important it is to have someone in the life. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what will happened to Lego and me. After Lego's mother died I never thought about getting married again until today. "

Dunk had no idea why Joong was telling them these things and he had no idea where this conversation was heading. So he kept listening to Joong without asking anything.

"But now I'm afraid of Lego's future. There is no one to take care of him if anything happens to me. I decided to get married again."

The last sentence from Joong rang in Dunk's mind like a bell. He felt a sudden pain in his chest like he was stabbed by a knife. It was so painful that his eyes filled with tears. He grabbed the hem of his shirt tight and tried to fight the tears. He was glad that the room was dark. So Joong couldn't see his tears.

"Do- Do you have anyone in mind?" Dunk tried hard to keep his voice even.

"No." Joong sighed.

"Everyone who tried to get close to me were because of my money. Not because they love me or Lego. I want someone who love Lego. Someone who can take care of him." Dunk nodded his head. He wanted to scream at Joong. He wanted to tell Joong that He loves Lego, that He can take care of Lego. But in the end he decided to stay quiet.

"I hope you will find someone soon." Said Dunk and left the room.

Dunk dropped on his bed and his eyes started to tear up again. This time tears started to flow from his eyes and he didn't know why.

In the dim light of the room, Dunk allowed himself a moment of vulnerability. The weight of Joong's words echoed in his mind, stirring a mixture of emotions he hadn't anticipated. The pain in his chest was not just from the revelation but from the fear of losing the closeness they had built over the past few days.

I am not a very emotional person. So writing emotional scenes is hard to me.

Do you think Joong is talking about Dunk and Dunk is misunderstanding everything? Or Joong is really going to find someone else?? I don't know what Joong is thinking either.. 😁😁

Tell me your thoughts on today's part and vote if you like my story. 🙏🙏

Love you all 😘❤️❤️❤️

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