Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

* Emma Roberts' P.O. V *

"And our dashing male tribute from District 7 ...." Emma Roberts held her breath, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. It was bad enough she was selected to participate in this years' Hunger Games - The last thing she needed was an airhead for a district partner.

"Luke Hemmings!" Kim Kardashian, the district escort, read aloud, full lips curling into a smile as she waved the piece of paper triumphantly around in the air. "Where are you, Luke?"Emma jerked her head up, blue eyes blazing as the sea of boys parted, making way for a tall boy with a sandy blonde quiff slowly walking up. He was dressed in all black, and Emma could see him using his teeth to fiddle around with the black lip ring hooked to his lower lip. Once Luke was on the stage, Kim clapped her hands together, silky brown ponytail bobbing as she hopped up and down on her diamond - encrusted platform heels.

"Yay!" she cheered. "Our tributes from District 7 - Emma Roberts and Luke Hemmings!" Emma felt Kim grab her arm, lifting it into the air as if she were nothing but a trophy. "Smile." Emma heard Kim Kardashian hiss through her pearly whites, but all Emma could manage was a weak grimace that she hoped people could pass for a smile. She scanned the crowd of eerily silent people for her parents, and found them, holding on to eachother in the back for dear life as tears brimmed in both of their eyes. "We're off to the Capitol." Kim Kardashian stepped away from the podium with the microphone, holding Luke and Emma's hands in either one of hers as she lead them inside. As soon as the frosted glass doors shut behind them, Emma let out a growl of frustration.

"Luke Hemmings?" Emma demanded, knocking down a vase and letting it shatter against the polished floor. "Really?"

Kim only gasped, lifting a perfectly manicured hand to her pink lips as she stared at the shattered vase in horror. "That's marble!" she gasped.

Luke's azure blue eyes slid away in embarrassment, teeth catching his lip ring as he gazed at the flower - papered wall. "I'm not thrilled to be with you either, sweetheart." he mumbled, the pet name rolling off of his tongue in a charming Australian accent.

Emma rolled her eyes, scowling as she tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder."Whatever," she muttered. "Can we go, Kim?"But Kim Kardashian's thoughts were trained elsewhere as her smoldering dark eyes widened in realization.

"Shoot!" she cursed, running to the doors in which the trio had just entered as fast as her teetering heels could carry her. "I forgot North outside!" She pulled on the doors twice, though they didn't budge. Kim looked over her shoulder, breathless. "I think they might be locked!"

"No dip." Luke replied, sticking his hands in the pockets of his skinny jeans and walking further into the luxurious hall. Not having anything better to do, Emma followed his lead, running her fingers along the soft walls and trying to ignore the burning eyes of the Officials that watched their every move.

"You're boarding the train in five minutes, Mr. Hemmings and Ms. Roberts." One informed them gruffly, before stepping back into his original position by the wall. Niether Emma or Luke answered.

"I can't believe this happened to me." Emma mumbled under her breath, pausing to examine a painting of Miley Cyrus -  the governor of District 7's daughter - and sighed. Miley didn't have to put her name in for the games - So why did Emma?

"Stop complaining," Luke snapped from the other side of the room. "You'll be dead in less than two weeks anyways."

Emma glared at Luke over her shoulder, only to find him staring back at her coldly. "Who said I was going to be dead?" she shot back, arching an eyebrow.

"Me," Luke let out a humorless snort, arching his muscular arms over his head as he stretched. "You won't last five seconds in the arena."

"Like you  will." Emma snorted in contempt, turning her back on him and exploring the fancy room before they were called to board the train.


The train's dining room was very fancy, to keep things short. It had multiple chandeliers swinging from the ceiling, with posh white furniture and crystalline silverware adorning a table set for ten. "Isn't it amazing?" Kim Kardashian exclaimed with excitement, sweeping her arms around the room with a smile.

No, The harsh reply stung Emma's tongue, but she forced it back and simply said, "It's lovely."

Luke said nothing, simply dropping onto a squishy white sofa and kicked his long legs out so that he was spread upon the whole thing. He shifted uncomfortably, making a distressed face. "I feel like I'm going to sink into the cushions." he said, though his azure blue eyes were bright with excitement.

Kim looked up from plucking a chocolate from one of the bowls on the table. "That's because the cushions are stuffed with swan feathers, dear." she replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Swan feathers?  Emma thought in surprise, before stiffly lowering herself into a chair rather than sitting down at the table - she didn't trust anything from the Capitol. The only sound that Emma heard for a little over 10 minutes was fork scraping plate as Kim ate her lunch, occasionally murmuring things along the lines of, "Only the best for the best."Suddenly, the doors to one of the adjoining train compartments swung open, revealing a young looking blonde girl with bright hazel eyes. Emma thought the girl looked familiar, and was about to ask who she was, before Kim dropped her fork.

"Chloe Grace Moretz, is that you?" she ran up to the girl, pulling her in for a big hug. The girl - Chloe - gently pulled away from Kim, gaze darting in between Luke and Emma.

"Are these them?" she asked curtly, and Kim nodded quickly.

"Luke Hemmings and Emma Roberts," she informed Chloe. "The tributes you're supposed to train."

Luke sat up immediately. "She's our mentor?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"That's Chloe Moretz, asshat," Emma snapped in his direction. "She was the last one from District 7 to win the games."

Chloe sent Emma an appreciative glance, before turning back to Luke and eyeing him dryly. "Yes, Lucas, I am supposed to mentor you for the next 2 weeks until you are sent to your absolute destruction in the arena. Do you dare question me?"

Luke looked uncomfortable, averting his blue eyes to his black vans. "Erm... no." he mumbled, fidgeting in discomfort.

Chloe stood up straighter. "Good," she smiled in satisfaction. "Because I won the games by tearing a girl's throat open - With my teeth."

Damn. Emma felt a pang of sickness in her stomach - Would she have to do that to win the games?

Chloe looked around. "Any questions?" she asked, grinning a bit. Emma briefly wondered how blood - stained her teeth must have been at one point in time.

"I do," Emma raised her hand. "How do we win?"Chloe studied Emma's face, a vacant expression crossing her graceful features.

"Don't die." she smiled cheekily, flashing Emma a thumbs up before plucking a cookie off of a platter in the corner and waltzing out, Kim Kardashian hot on her trail.

Luke sank into the couch cushions, closing his eyes. "We are doomed." was all he said.

For once, Emma Roberts agreed with the boy.

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