Chapter 19

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Chapter 19.

~ Taylor Swift's P.O.V ~

A deadly quietude hung over the trio as Taylor, Luke, and Calum quietly trekked through the forest. Calum hadn't said a word since Ashton had died in his arms the night before, and Luke seemed too afraid to talk, as if any word would send Calum over the edge. Taylor wasn't complaining, though - It wasn't as if she had anything to say. What would she say, anyways?

' We're in the final five, so I wouldn't be surprised if we turned on each other right now. '

' I'll probably be gone by nightfall. '

 ' I'd kill you if I had to. '

The last thought that flashed through her mind struck Taylor with a chilling shiver. Would  she kill Calum or Luke out of a pure desire to win the games? 

Maybe not.

But she'd kill them both if her life was truly in danger - Which it always was since she was in the arena.

"I think we should split up." Luke blurted out, pulling everyone, including Taylor, back into reality.

"What, Luke?" Calum exclaimed, those words being the first out of his mouth in hours as he skidded to a halt, eyeing his companion in disbelief.

Taylor's eyes widened as she automatically took a few steps back, gaze darting in between the two boys. "Luke...?"

Luke looked surprisingly calm - and sure - about his decision. "Think about it, guys. There are five of us left - Three being right here. We have the strongest ranks right now. And I sure as hell would rather have us split up and face off against these other guys than risk being the last three and have to kill eachother. If we die..." Luke's blue eyes drifted away darkly. "I'd rather be killed by Michael or even Harry if it meant I didn't have to face you guys." Luke finished his little monologue, breathless. At Taylor and Cal's abrupt silence, Luke continued. "We all knew it would come to this - Only one of us is coming out of here. One of us will come out of here. And we stand better chances alone than together at this point."

Taylor nodded - Though she'd never admit it... "You're right, Luke," she said slowly. "We need to split up." She looked to Calum, who nodded.

"On a count of three, we all turn around and go opposite directions." he proposed, taking a step back.

"Thanks for everything, guys." Luke said through a smile, turning around in preparation to run.

Don't mention it, Luke, Taylor felt her heart swim at the thought of never seeing these boys alive ever again and quickly turned around before she could start crying. "One..." she began.

"Two...." Calum's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Three." Luke finally said. Taylor didn't stick around to see what went on after, for she had already retreated into the forest with her backpack swinging behind her.

~ Michael Clifford's P.O.V ~

Michael slunk through the undergrowth, humming an absent tune as he wiped the blade of his kindjal clean on his sleeve. Michael was in a happy mood - Just overnight, three people had died in the arena, bringing him to the final five. Michael had a 1 / 5 chance of winning - The odds weren't great, but still a huge improvement from 1/24 . While Michael didn't have a direct kill list, He did have a certain hate fire fueled towards Taylor Swift from District 4. Maybe it was the fact that she thought she was better than everyone else.

Or maybe it was the fact that she was deadly. Very deadly.

"I'll kill you, bitch." Michael grumbled to himself, impatiently swatting an overgrown stem of pine out of his face as he tore his way through the trees, eyes nearly popping out of his head when he saw a pair of furious blue eyes burning into his.

"Are you talking to me, Pizza Boy?" the girl snarled, wielding her bow in front of her in preparation to strike.

 Taylor. Michael's mind flashed, causing him to smirk and twirl his kindjal around in his fingers with precision and expertise. "I was, Sweetheart," he replied. "Sorry it had to go down this way."

Taylor's perfect lips curled into a feral snarl as her arm pulled back to send an arrow at his head. "Me too you little - " but Taylor never finished her sentence, for someone else's arrow had lodged itself in her throat and was now causing her to choke on her own blood. Michael watched in awe as Taylor's slender hands found her throat, grabbing around for the object impaling her neck. She gave it a weak tug, before collapsing to the ground with a dull thud as she crushed her bow beneath her body.

 Well that was easy. Michael thought, simply standing and waiting for Taylor's killer to expose themselves - If they wanted to kill Michael, they would have done it already. "Nice shot." he called into the wilderness, just as a slender figure emerged from the bushes, arrow tip gleaming as it was loaded in the quiver of the bow. Michael recognized the curly - haired, green eyed boy immediately as Harry Styles from 1, but kept his cool, calm demeanor.

"I know who you're after." Harry said, low voice dripping with venom as he lowered his bow slightly. Michael felt his eyes narrow, eyeing the other tribute as he tightened his grip on his kindjals. Harry was clever - But could he be outfoxed by Michael?

"And who would that be?" Michael asked evenly, lips thinning into a flat line.

"Isn't it obvious?" Harry's curvy lips curled into a devious smile as he raked his fingers through his soft hair. "You're after the only two people left in this arena - Luke and Calum. I know you've been keeping tabs on everyone just as much as I have. And now that the pathetic coal miner from twelve is gone, it makes them vulnerable. So I have a proposition - You and I band together and pick both of them off. I'll take you to the final two."

Michael waited until Harry was finished with his little speech before parting his lips to reply. "And what happens at the final two?" he inquired suspiciously.

Harry grinned, dimples indenting his cheeks. "We shall see," he replied coolly, before taking a slow step towards Michael and offering his right hand. "You're either with me or against me."

Realizing that it was his best chance at survival, Michael took Harry's hand, gripping it firmly and shaking it. "To the final two."


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