Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

* Cara Delevingne's P.O.V *

Across the training center sat Cara, brushing a caramel strand of hair behind her ear as she twirled the knife around in her fingers experimentally. She was from District 3 - A district known for being very smart. And Cara was smart. So smart that she had spent the last 3 quarters of her eighteen years training mercilessly in order to represent her district in the games.

And then, she did something that nobody in District 3 had ever seen - She volunteered.

Granted, Cara didn't even know the girl who she had saved, but it wasn't as if she cared. She was here in this arena to prove one thing and one thing only - To show that District 3 could win the Hunger Games if cards were played right. Unfortunately, Cara's district partner, a reserved, ash blonde boy named Evan Peters, wasn't the best at fighting. Or running. Or surviving. Cara was positive that he wouldn't last more than 10 minutes in the arena.

"Nice throw, Bella!" The Careers' snarky voices whooped and hollered behind Cara as they cheered for their counterpart. Snorting, Cara's icy blue eyes slid over to Bella's target, only 3 down from hers. The knife had landed in the bullseye, but it was a few centimeters to the right, proving that in Cara's eyes, Bella was incompetent.

 "What are you looking at, Three?" Cara whipped around suddenly to see the tiny girl from one, who's perfect lip was curled as her smoldering dark eyes slid over Cara.

"Oh, nothing," Cara pretended to shrug. "Just how sad it is that your little friend over there thinks she can win the Games with a pathetic throw like that."

Ariana's eyes narrowed in disbelief, and she moved aside to make room for her other three allies that had looked over curiously. "Did you hear that, guys?" Ariana pouted her lips, tossing her sleek bronze colored ponytail. "Three over here thinks she can throw better than Bella."

Cara met the boy from two's gaze unflinchingly, even though he was twice her size and towered over her, strong jaw clenching. "It's not good to be cocky, Three." he laughed humorlessly, shaking his head.

Cara scowled, rolling her eyes. "Says you." she turned back to the target, hardly aware of four cruel pairs of eyes shooting daggers into her back. Drawing back her arm and locking her elbow, Cara whipped her throwing arm back, feeling the muscles in her body stiffen as she channeled all of her energy into the throw, sending the knife straight into the center of the bullseye. A smirk tugged at Cara's lips as she heard the Careers go silent as she threw another, this knife landing right next to the first with no room to spare. The third final one inexplicably wedged itself in between the first two knives, splitting the wood of the target with a harsh crack.

Cara whirled back around to the Careers, gauging their mixed reaction. Bella was picking at her nails, dark eyes trained on the floor, while Taylor mirrored Harry's cold expression, folding his arms across his bold chest. Ariana was nodding very slowly. "Tell you what, Three," Taylor Lautner spoke up, raking his fingers through his black hair. "We like you. I suggest you join us - Or die on the very first day when I impale you with my spear. The choice is yours." he spoke casually, like killing kids was something he did every day.

Guess we don't have bad blood after all, Cara thought, curvy lips thinning as she planted her hands on her slender hips. "You got a deal," she replied. "See you at the Cornucopia." With that, she stalked past Harry and Ariana, storming out of the training center and letting the glass doors slam against the walls as she made her exit.


"So.... You're a Career now?" Cara heard Evan Peters ask from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, shifting uneasily on the guardrail of the balcony as the night air stirred her hair.

 "Don't say it that way." Cara replied with a grimace, training her eyes on the bustling city streets of the Capitol below, clenching the guardrail tightly. She heard Evan's quiet footsteps behind her, glancing at the boy as he joined her by the guardrail, studying the purple bags under his eyes as his dull brown eyes traced the night sky.

"Say it which way?" he murmured, looking at Cara. "It's fact."

Cara shook her head, clearing her throat and shifting her weight from one leg to the other. "It's not like that, Evan," she replied patiently. "I'm not one of them. I'm only tagging along and I'll kill them in their sleep or something - I didn't have much of a choice anyways. I knew they'd hunt me down if I said no."

Evan sighed audibly. "Well, You're chances are better than mine, anyways. At least you'll have a better shot of winning now."

Cara noticed Evan's lanky frame slump as he looked down. "You don't know that for sure." Cara tried to comfort him, but she was bad at anything... social.

Evan laughed humorlessly. "You don't have to be nice to me, Cara," he replied, voice trembling slightly. "I know I'm a goner."

Cara sighed, shutting her eyes for a moment. What could she say to that? After a few moments of listening to the night air and the cars rushing by down below, she drew her shawl tighter around her shoulders and hurried inside.

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