Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.

* Emma Roberts' P. O. V *

Sixty Seconds. The tributes were required to stand on their platforms for sixty seconds before the mines beneath their plates were deactivated.

Emma and Chloe Moretz were the only ones in the underground locker rooms, Chloe pacing the room nervously. "Okay," she said, pausing. "Okay!"

Emma raised her eyebrows, reaching behind her head to feel the simple, yet elegant blonde braid adorning the back of her head. "What is it, Chloe?" she asked, voice quivering slightly. She was now leaning on the glass outside of the tube that was supposed to send her into the arena, not trusting her shaky legs to support her on their own.

"You're wearing a windbreaker, combat boots, and thick jeans - My guess is you'll be somewhere with mud." Chloe replied.Usually, The tidbit of information would be useless to Emma, but these were what might just be the last few minutes of her life - Emma would take any advice she could.

"All tributes in their tubes in 30 seconds." the voice crackled among the loudspeaker in the room, echoing around the small room harshly and causing a whimper to rise in Emma's throat.

 "Listen, Emma," Chloe rested her hands on Emma's shoulders. "You're smart. You're fast. Just get to a backpack and run as far and as fast as you can. After, you'll need water. Digging near plant roots will help."Emma nodded, swallowing the thick lump in her throat as she fiddled with the thin sleeves of her brown windbreaker. As she turned to get into the tube, Chloe caught her wrist. Emma turned in question, staring at Chloe as her hazel eyes darkened. "Win, Emma." was all she said, before stepping back and letting Emma step into her tube.

Goodbye, world, she thought as the airtight door shut behind her, trapping her inside. She placed her palm on the glass just as Chloe did from the outside, and the two shared the unspoken words of both sorrow and determination.

And that's when the tube jolted to life, sending her upwards into a blinding white light.

* Zendaya's P.O.V *

The first thing Zendaya noticed when her tube reached the surface was the moist air bathing her tongue. She shut her jaw with a snap, squinting at the silver Cornucopia reflecting the bright sunlight tracing the blue sky. There was, she noticed, a huge, purple mountain range to the north, framed by towering pine trees that were coated with light blankets of frost. It was cool, and most likely wet, leaving Zendaya to assume that, judging by the meadow they were now circled in, were either in a coniferous forest or a taiga. Zendaya looked behind her, sighing. Just more and more trees, but some sort of series of abandoned buildings way beyond the thick clump of foliage. There could be so much supplies there.... and so much danger -

 "60 !" the clock floating above the Cornucopia roared to life, causing Zendaya to tense up, preparing for battle. The adrenaline coursing through her veins at the moment was so strong that Zendaya thought she might faint from the sensation. To her left, and looking extremely pale and sad, was Evan Peters from District 3. To her right, Zendaya noticed hopefully, was Taylor Swift, her and Niall's ally. She stared at her, hoping to catch her gaze, and nodding to Taylor when she finally did. Taylor nodded back, jerking her head in the direction behind her, signaling that they go south just as Niall said.

"55!"Zendaya squinted as a harsh gust of wind blew through the clearing littered with backpacks, chilling her through her windbreaker down to the bone. She felt somewhat relieved, as both Bella and Harry were on the opposite side of the horn near the tail, meaning they'd have to circle all the way around in order to get the weapons inside the horn.

 I could go for a weapon... Zendaya quickly pushed the thought away. That was Taylor's job, not hers. As the clock ran down, each second brought a new face of someone Zendaya loved to her mind.

"29!" Mom.


"27!" Brother.

"26!" Sister.

"Sorry if I lose." she whispered.

Zendaya crouched low, leg muscles tense and ready to spring as she targeted a bulky looking blue backpack. It was so close to her there was no way someone would reach it before her, yet, the plan still stuck strong in her mind -

 "10!" Zendaya looked to the left.

"9!" Bella licked her lips.

"8!" Harry bent into a ready position.

"7!" Chandler Riggs sniffed.

"6!" Cara smirked.

"5!" Ashton shook out his big hands.

"4!" Evan sighed.

"3!" The air grew quiet.

"2!" Nobody moved a muscle.

"1!" And just like that, chaos broke out.

Zendaya told her body to go south, but it ignored her, sprinting towards the blue backpack. Blood rushed in her ears, wind stung her face, her vision blurred at the corners as her fingers closed around the cold straps. She swung it over her shoulder, whipping around wildly to see several people, including Niall, already sprinting into the trees. A body thudded to the ground, and Zendaya turned to see Selena Gomez face first into the blood - streaked grass, an axe protruding from her dark - haired skull. Zendaya looked up, horrified, to see Taylor Lautner charging at her full speed to finish his kill. 

No, thanks! Zendaya thought, whipping around and sprinting in the opposite direction.

"MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE - " Michael Clifford's booming voice drowned out all the screaming, and Zendaya saw Michael rampaging towards the Cornucopia full throttle with kindjals in both of his hands, red hair flashing as he sped by her. "PIZZA! PIZZA!" Michael found a target, skidded to a halt, and whipped one of the kinjals at Demi Lovato, the kindjal embedding itself in her leg as she fell to the ground with a sickening cry of pain. Not wanting to stick around and see Michael finish the girl off, Zendaya turned to sprint away, only to come in contact with a bony figure.

Both she and Kristen Stewart went to the ground, and Zendaya scrambled backwards, eyes wide. "Allies - " Kristen never finished her sentence, for Michael's other kindjal had whizzed right into her forehead. Kristen's eyes rolled up, as if trying to pinpoint the curvy dagger, before she fell back into the grass, lifeless.

"PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!" Michael roared from behind Zendaya, and she found her footing, stumbling in the direction that Niall had run as an arrow whizzed over her head, burying itself in whoever had been running alongside her.

Zendaya glanced over her shoulder, heart breaking as she came to see her district partner, Louis Tomlinson, hunched over in the grass slowly pulling the arrow out of his stomach. "Just how fast the night changes...." The words spilled from Louis's mouth as he stared wide-eyed at the arrow like he'd never seen one before, the pool of red changing the color of his gray shirt grew, Louis feeling it with a shaky hand before he fell back. "Only getting older baby...."

 Zendaya couldn't watch anymore, as the only thing she had left from district 8 was slipping through her fingers quicker than the blood turned the field red. Goodbye, Louis Tomlinson, Zendaya silently saluted him, darting away just as Harry Styles sent an arrow whizzing in her direction. The cries of battle still raged on long after Zendaya left the scene, and she glanced back to see Ariana Grande hacking away at the blonde girl - Amanda Seyfried from 5 - with a battle axe, the blood splattering her face as her face scrunched together in hatred.

I've got to go, Zendaya thought, pupils dilating as she rushed into the much darker pine trees, spiky branches whipping her face as she frantically ran to find Niall.

                                                                      ~ 20 TRIBUTES LEFT ~

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