Chapter 8

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Chatper 8.

* Luke Hemmings' P.O.V *

Luke yanked his dagger from Chandler Riggs' chest, barely feeling any remorse for the young boy as he looked around to see who else was in the treeline. He had killed Chandler after hiding in the bushes, watching the battle slow to a stop as the Careers banded together. Chandler had crawled from the back of the horn, taking 3 backpacks with him that were so heavy they put the boy at a slower, unsteady pace.

He was an easy kill for Luke Hemmings.

After wiping the blood from the knife on his sleeve, Luke quickly pawed through the backpacks, dragging them further into the bushes only to find them ridiculously empty. A canteen half full of water and a pack of 6 crackers in the first one, A large blanket in the other, and a knife and roll of wire in the last one. Luke transferred all of the items to the smallest backpack, leaving the coil of wire behind and breaking into a steady jog as he trekked along the forest floor.

He chewed his lip thoughtfully, trying to remember if he had seen Emma get killed. No, he realized with a somewhat relieved feeling. I saw Emma run straight into the forest.

That's when the cannon shot rang through the air.

Then another.

And then three more.

Luke raised his eyes to the sky to see a picture of Selena Gomez high on the dome - like surface of the arena, followed by more of Kristen Stewart, Louis Tomlinson, and everyone else who had died in the bloodbath - Chandler's innocent, freckled face was last, the boy's blue eyes glittering in the picture as if he were happy before the pictures vanished.

"Five down." Luke mumbled, cautiously wielding his knife before him as he soundlessly approached the cluster of buildings that looked abandoned from a distance. First, he'd have to get through the forest -

 "Make that six." An unfamiliar voice chuckled behind Luke, and he spun around to see Liam Payne aiming a loaded crossbow at Luke's chest, menacing dark eyes glittering with malice.

Luke's blue eyes narrowed to slits, lips thinning as the hand holding his knife twitched, causing Liam to tense up. "Nice crossbow, man," Luke said dryly, motioning to the crossbow. "You sure you know how to use it?"

Liam's upper lip twitched in response, and, faster than lightning, fired an arrow right at Luke's head. He ducked, though the arrow ended up brushing his quiff and embedding itself in the tree bark behind Luke with a thunk. "I think I'm good." Liam replied with a light smirk.

Luke raised his arms, letting the knife plummet to the forest floor as it slipped from his fingers. "Go ahead, man," he shrugged casually. "Take your shot."

A dark expression spread upon Liam's face. "Sorry I don't feel worse about this - " A dull crack sounded, followed by the sound of Liam's body falling to the forest floor. Luke took his lip piercing in between is teeth when Calum dropped the rock, now smeared with blood, on the ground, staring at Liam's body with lifeless brown eyes.

 "We got him, Ash." Calum called over his shoulder. Ashton? From 12? Luke raised his eyebrows, not daring to say a word as Ashton emerged from the trees a few moments later, a long katana blade dangling from his fingers.

"Good," Ashton said, hazel eyes softening with relief as he adjusted the black bandana keeping his brown curls out of his eyes. "That Liam guy gave me the creeps."

"You should make sure he's dead." Luke pointed out, immediately wishing he hadn't.

"What?" Calum lifted his head slowly, furrowing his eyebrows as if he hadn't realized that he had saved Luke's life.

"I said you shook make sure he's dead," Luke slowly bent down, picking up his knife with the tips of his fingers so it didn't look threatening, and tossed it at Calum's feet. Ash was at his side in an instant, pointing the tip of his blade at Luke as Calum picked up the knife, inspecting it before plunging it into the back of Liam's neck.

 "Name and district?" Ashton demanded, hazel eyes cold and icy as his jawline clenched tightly.

Luke cleared his throat. "Luke, District 7." he replied, shifting uncomfortably.

 "Was that knife your only weapon?" Ashton demanded, tone slightly less harsh than the first as he motioned to Luke's coat pockets.

Luke looked down. "Yeah - Got it off of the boy from 10."

"He still alive?" Ash questioned.

"Not anymore." was Luke's simple reply.

Calum stood up, walking slowly towards Luke with the bloody knife extended. Luke tensed, preparing for the worst, when Calum slowly turned the knife around to that Luke could grab the handle. "Wanna tag along with us?" he asked, thick eyebrow arching slightly. "We're all in this together, anyways."

Luke felt himself nod, taking the knife and sticking it in his pocket. He glanced over his shoulder at the Cornucopia, able to pinpoint Bella's red hair almost immediately as her voice echoed throughout the clearing. "Hey, we got a straggler!" Luke thought those were his words. Without waiting for her allies, Bella took the sickle from the holster behind her, and made quick work of whoever was lying on the ground. Based on his masculine cries, Luke thought it was the boy from district 3.

"We should go." Calum looked up at the sky, before jerking his head for Ash and Luke to follow him.

The three were silent for a couple minutes, before Ashton spoke up. "Watch out for Michael from 5 - He's got mad accuracy, and we don't think he's tagging along with anyone, so he could be anywhere."

Luke nodded, thinking back to Cara Delevingne, who had gotten a 10 on her training. "The girl from 3, too. I think she's with the Careers."

Ashton's next question caught Luke off guard. "What about the girl from your district? Is she still alive?"

Luke shrugged. "Probably," he spoke with a slight scowl. "The bitch is a snake in the grass if you ask me, so be careful of her."

                                                                       ~ 16 TRIBUTES LEFT ~

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