Chapter 12

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Chapter 12.

* Cara Delevingne's P.O.V *

Cara sat beside Harry as she and the Careers were sat around the blazing fire, roasting some of the raw meat that had been packaged in one of the crates in the Cornucopia. It had been 2 days since the last cannon sounded, and Cara feared that, even in the fifth day in the games, the Gamemakers would get antsy and pick off a tribute just to pick one off.

"So when are we going hunting?" Bella Thorne asked, cupping her chin in her hand as she spun her piece of meat around on a metal rod as it cooked over the fire. Cara knew the girl wasn't talking about hunting animals.

"Soon, Bella." Taylor Lautner replied, a devilish smirk spreading upon his lips.

Bella let out a chuckle, sighing in content."I can't wait to kill that goody - two shoes from 8. She makes me want to vomit." Cara watched, somewhat amused as Bella sat up straight, preparing to mock the girl. "Hi guys, I'm Zendaya and I love helping people!" she pouted her lips. "I don't think I could ever kill in the games - I'm far too nice for that!"

Ariana chuckled, throwing a piece of dried fruit across the fire and hitting Bella in the face. Bella blinked, gasping.

"You bitch!" she shrieked, though her brown eyes were warm to signify that she was only kidding. Even Harry, the one who never said a word, chuckled lowly from beside Cara.

"So, twelve of us gone in less than a week," Cara sighed, watching the fire pop and crack with a distant look in her eyes. "Who do you guys think is left other than the girl from 8?"

The Careers were silent, thinking for a moment. Finally, Ariana spoke up. "I don't think I've seen that red haired guy in the sky yet - He could still be alive."

"I haven't seen anyone from District 4 yet," Bella pointed out. "They must be together."

And if they're still together, they must be doing pretty well, Cara thought, slumping her shoulders slightly.

"We should go looking for them." Ariana suggested.

"Who?" Taylor looked surprised, ruffling his black hair. "The people from 4?"

"Makes sense," Bella replied. "If they held out for this long, they must be in a pretty good spot."

Harry nodded, though Cara could tell that his piercing emerald green eyes were elsewhere. "What about Ashton from 12?" Cara pointed out. "He got a 9 on his training eval."

Taylor gritted his teeth. "Long story short, We've got a lot of work to do before we get even close to winning the games. Seek the people out, kill them all, and let the rest of the weaklings die of natural causes." Cara noticed how Taylor didn't mention the inevitable point in the games where the Careers would have to turn against one another.

Ariana stood up, and Bella looked up in question. "Where are you going?" she asked.

Ariana shot Bella a funny look. "The bathroom," she replied hastily. "Can't anyone get any privacy around here?" Cara watched Ariana go, shaking her head and grabbing the roll of toilet paper from a crate in the horn, retreating into the darkness to go pee.

Bella turned back to the remaining faces in the circle, the firelight casting an eerie glow on her face as she took her cooked meat off of the stick, biting into it experimentally. Cara noticed that it seemed a bit tough to chew, but Bella sighed afterwards, passing it to Taylor to have a bit. "It's like heaven." she groaned, closing her eyes and licking her lips, aiming to savor the flavor.

Taylor's face scrunched up in disgust as he spit it out. "It tastes like - " but he was cut off by a loud, shrill scream echoing through the forest, followed by a cannon. Taylor's eyes widened as he realized what had just happened.

"ARIANA!" Bella let out a caterwaul, standing up in a flash, wielding her sickle and looking around wildly. "Where are they? Who killed Ariana?" she asked frantically.

Cara struggled to suppress her grin as Taylor, Harry, and she all stood up, fumbling for their weapons in the dark and facing off in all different directions to pinpoint the attackers. She could see movement in the dark treeline, towards the tail of the Cornucopia. "There!" she pointed with a knife to the movement in the trees. "In the tree line!"

Taylor and Bella broke into a full out sprint towards the trees, Harry not far behind with his bow and arrows. Cara watched them go, running towards what she hoped was their deaths.

"As much as I'd love to stay," Cara murmured, reaching over to get an untouched backpack and a handful of random items from the crate of dried fruits. "I have a game to win." waiting for a few moments to make sure nobody came back, Cara slung her backpack over her shoulder, knives at hand as she darted away into the opposite direction to the safety of the pine trees.


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