Chapter 21

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Chapter 21.

~ Michael Clifford's P.O.V ~

Michael's head jerked up at the sound of the cannon that echoed through the trees. He exchanged puzzled glances with Harry, who merely shrugged and tightened his grip on his bow. Michael was about to ask who Harry thought it was, when the light in the blue sky looming above them began to fade - fast."What the hell?" Michael muttered, glancing around wildly as the sun set in mere minutes, leaving him and Harry alone in the dark. The sky was a deep, velvety purple of dusk, and the moon in the sky looked more like a bright, white orb.

"I think the Gamemakers want a show now that it's the final three," Harry acknowledged, green eyes narrowed to slits as he glanced around. "Maybe they want us at the Cornucopia."

Michael shrugged, dropping the backpack off his shoulder to get rid of some of the extra weight. "Should we go?" he asked. "It might be a trap."

Harry's face was an impassive, stone cold mask as he eyed Michael icily. "If it's a trap, whoever's left might feel entitled to come, too. We could end this tonight."

I'd have to kill you if it ends tonight, Styles, Michael bit back the sharp retort, ruffling his red fluffy hair as he exhaled sharply. "Screw it let's just go." he finally said, shaking out his hands and wielding both of his kindjals ahead of him.

Harry nodded, a determined look crossing his face. "Alright, let's go." He jerked his head forward, leading the way towards the heart of the arena.

Here goes nothing, Mikey thought with a grimace, scratching at the light stubble growing along his jawline before following his companion.


~ Luke Hemmings' P.O.V ~

Luke peered through the thick leaves of an exotic bush, watching the Cornucopia gleam in the moonlight. As soon as darkness overcame the arena like a blanket, Luke knew that it was the Gamemakers trying to draw everyone in for one final show.

One final show, Luke reminded himself, shifting uneasily as the night air gradually grew colder. He drew his jacket tighter around himself, exhaling softly before gasping in surprise when the breath he let out was a pale, icy cloud. Luke guessed that Nicki Minaj, head Gamemaker, wanted everyone to be too cold for comfort as well, as if being in the arena weren't enough. Luke sat quietly for several minutes, until a low voice echoed through the chilly clearing.

"We know you're here, Hemmings," the voice, as smooth as glass called. "Come out so we can end this."

We? Luke thought, panicked. Harry and Michael were in an alliance? However, he wisely remained silent, locking his knife in a grip so tight that his knuckles were white against his skin. In the absence of a reply from Luke, he watched in awe as Harry's tall, lithe figure prowled into the moonlight, the silver tip of his arrow gleaming cruelly as Michael stalked along beside him, twirling his kindjals.

"Come on, Luke," Michael called with a grin. "Don't you want a slice of pizza?"

Careful not to make any sudden movements that the boys might see from across the clearing, Luke slunk along the undergrowth to a new spot where he could see them easier. Harry was kicking around in the grass, mumbling something under his breath, while Michael was squinting into the darkness, presumably looking for Luke.

 "Maybe he isn't here, Harry." Michael grumbled, looking back to his companion.

Luke held his breath as Harry shook his head. "He's here." was all he said.

As Luke slowly rose into a crouch, he felt a tickle in his nose. Oh no, he thought. Please don't sneeze please don't sneeze please don't - Luke failed to stifle his sneeze, and the loud squeak echoed through the hollow. Both Harry and Michael went dead silent, a grin finding it's way on to Harry's face.

 "Greetings, Luke," he projected his voice. "I hope you haven't caught a cold."

Shit, Luke thought, trying to backup. He failed at being stealthy, however, and stumbled into a pile of frozen leaves, crackling them and disturbing them in an impossibly loud manner. Maybe they didn't see me...

"There!" Michael pointed with his blade, and Luke rose shakily to his feet as both the boys took off running towards him.

Luke raised his knife, taking one last look at it. It wasn't as if he could beat anyone with it in hand to hand combat.... So long, knife, he thought, before drawing his arm back and whipping it at Michael.

He thought for a hopeful second that the shot had been fatal, until Michael skillfully maneuvered away from it, growling. "MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE MICHAEL WANTS - " but Michael was abruptly cut off as an arrow whizzed straight into his chest. "Oh god...." he mumbled, blood bubbling at his lips as he tugged the arrow out of his chest with one final heave.

So much for that alliance... Luke looked on in horror as Harry lowered his bow, walking over to his fallen ' ally ' and smiling down at him.

 "Honestly, Michael, All you were was dead weight," he sighed, pretending to pout. "I can't wait to eat some gooey, cheesy pizza at the Capitol...."

Luke watched Michael's face crumple in pain and anger. "F - fuck you, Harry..." he stammered, lip trembling slightly as he went limp in the grass. "I do what I want... I'm - I'm... p - punk rock.... " With those powerful, final words, Michael's head went limp to the side, green eyes clouded in death as his cannon went off.

Harry shook his head, snickering as he chose to acknowledge Luke for the first time in minutes. "A ray of sunshine, wasn't he?" Harry chortled, grinning as he met Luke's eyes.

Luke, too afraid of being shot to move, swallowed. "You're - You're gonna kill me aren't you?" he asked shakily. "Just d - do it already."I can outsmart you just as well as anyone... Luke thought as Harry approached him.

 As soon as Harry came to a stop, Luke relaxed slightly, only to see a blinding, white hot flash of pain as he was slapped in the face, the shock sending him to the ground right beside Michael's corpse. Luke felt Harry's finger ghost across his lips, stopping at his lip piercing. "Patience, Lucas," Harry purred. "That will happen all in good time."


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