Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

* Taylor Swift's P.O.V *

Taylor and Niall, along with their stylists, Stevie Nicks and Avril Lavigne, all crowded eagerly around the flatscreen television as the announcers came on to the screen. "Good evening folks - It's me, Dylan O'brien, here with my lovely co - host, Ansel Elgort." The boy with the chocolate brown eyes smiled beside Dylan, straightening his white jacket as a soft smile spread across his face. "I don't know about you, Ansel," Dylan began, running his fingers through his silky dark hair and smirking. "But I am excited to see this years' tributes and their evaluation scores, how about you?"

Taylor watched Ansel nod, letting out a low, hearty chuckle. "You got that right, Dylan," he grinned.

"Now, do you expect any surprises from the Careers or some of the other tributes after seeing them in training and scoring them with our Gamemaker, Nicki Minaj?" The frame cut to a dark, olive colored woman with a halo of bubblegum pink hair, tipping down her glitter - encrusted fedora as she was led by the Officials through a crowd in front of the Queen's mansion.

Dylan's face grew serious, his brown eyes narrowing. "Now If I told you that, it wouldn't be a show, now would it?" he pointed out, causing the both of them to laugh.

Taylor shook her head, disgusted. How could these two guys crack joke after joke, treating the entire thing like it was a game? In a week, they would all be dead. "Do I have to watch this?" she nudged Avril, mumbling under her breath.

Avril nodded, blue eyes widening. "Of course!" she replied quickly. "How else would you expect to see who's a threat and who isn't?"

Taylor's bow shaped lips curled slightly as she scooted to the further end of the couch, annoyed. "I don't," she replied. "Because I don't care."

Niall shook his head. "Don't be like that, Taylor." he murmured in his thick Irish drawl.

"Like what ?" Taylor spat at Niall, sitting up. "Like realistic ?"

Niall only sighed, mumbling something under his breath as the tributes' training scores came onto the screen, along with Dylan O'brien's voice introducing them and reading their scores.

"Harry Styles, 10." No surprise there, Taylor thought with a grimace.

"Ariana Grande, 8." Taylor shrugged. It was a high score.... but a low one for a Career.

"See?" Avril nudged Taylor. "That's good! She's the weak link!"

It then went to District 2. "Taylor Lautner, 10." Taylor Swift winced - He was by far, the biggest and strongest competitor. He'd probably knock out at least half of the competition.

"Bella Thorne, 9." Taylor shook her head, running her hand down her face.

"Evan Peters, 5." Taylor watched a pale faced boy flash across the screen, a mute expression on his somber face.

"Cara Delevingne, 10."

Niall shot up at this. "Ten?" he exclaimed, looking to Taylor in surprise. "How did she get a ten?"

"If I knew, Niall, I'd tell you," Taylor said briskly. "Now shush, We're next." Taylor held her breath then as Niall's face showed up.

"Niall Horan, 7." Taylor's stomach jolted in relief. A seven was okay.... Right? Niall must've been pleased with his score, for he sunk into the squishy couch cushions with a relieved sigh.

My turn... Taylor thought as her face flashed across the screen."Taylor Swift, 8." Taylor's blue eyes widened slightly. The last thing she needed was to appear strong. Now she'd have a target on her back.

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