Chapter 23

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Chapter 23.

~ Harry Styles' P.O.V ~

"Ladies and Gentlemen, The Winner of the 24th Hunger Games, Harry Styles!" Harry's heart began to thunder as he straightened his black tie, making his way onto the stage where he was met by Dylan O'Brien with a firm hand shake.

"Welcome, Harry," Dylan motioned for Harry to take a seat in the plush chair beside him, and Harry couldn't help but feel nostalgic. He, along with the other 23, had been interviewed in this very chair. "I believe we have a lot to talk about."

Harry smiled as several wolf whistles erupted from the crowd. "I agree, Dylan." Harry replied cheekily, raking his fingers through his glossy brown curls as more people whistled. Harry folded his hands neatly across his lap, tilting his head as he readied himself for Dylan's first question.

"So, Harry," Dylan began, brown eyes wide with eagerness and curiosity. "Many of our viewers saw you as the... villain.... of the games, fooling people and what not. What are your thoughts on being the antagonist of the games this year?"

Harry's green eyes slid to the floor as he briefly considered the question. Lying wasn't a challenge to Harry.... It came so easy... "Being from District One and all, People expect you to be the most confident in your abilities to win. It automatically puts a huge target on your back - I know it did for me," Harry shifted so that one of his legs was folded over the other. "But I did what I had to do to survive. And... And it's a real shame that I had to do the things I had to do, but.... It made me appreciate my life even more. The Hunger Games is the game of Life, and I found out that I was worth it." Harry finished his speech with a small smile, knowing by Dylan's distant expression that he, along with everyone else, had bought every word.

"Well said, Harry," Dylan cleared his throat, quickly using a bedazzled sleeve to dab at his eyes. "Now, as you know, next year is the 25th Hunger games, also known as the Quarter Quell. Would you, by any chance, be prepared to step back in the arena along with some of the other victors from the past games?"

Harry felt his heart leap in excitement. Turning his head so that he was making direct eye contact with the camera, Harry flashed the country an award -winning smile. "Oh, Dylan," he purred. "I thought you'd never ask."

                                                                               THE END

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