Chapter 22

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Chapter 22.

~ Luke Hemmings' P.O.V ~

Luke turned his head to the side, feeling goosebumps rise along his neck as Harry teasingly rain the tip of an arrow along the base of his throat. "I have a bone to pick with you, Mr. Luke," Harry murmured, pausing from his teasing momentarily. "You killed a lot of my friends."

Luke parted his lips, a small whimper escaping him as Harry nicked a cut into Luke's flesh. He could already feel the hot blood bubbling from the cut. Luke turned his head, looking at Michael's corpse. Michael had dropped one of his kindjals as soon as he was shot, but the other....

The other was lying just centimeters from Luke's fingers.

Harry didn't seem to notice this, as he was busy examining the arrow in his fingers with his brilliant green eyes. "You know, I didn't think winning would be this easy," he murmured casually. "But I have been pleasantly surprised. There were a lot of fools here."

Luke forced his eyes up to meet Harry's, lips twisting into a grimace. "You haven't won yet, fool." he hissed, enclosing his fingers around the kindjal and bringing it up.

Harry's eyes flashed with surprise, and he rolled off of Luke to avoid getting stuck with the kindjal. Seeing this as his only chance to get the upper hand, Luke leapt to his feet, breathing heavily as he and Harry began to circle each other. "See what happens when you stall, Harry?" Luke growled.

Harry tensed up, as if Luke's words actually stung, before his face melted completely and he began to do something that Luke didn't think he'd ever do.

Harry Styles began to cry.

He let the bow slip out of his fingers, clattering to the ground, tears brimming in his eyes. "I - I didn't want to kill anyone..." he sniffed, slowly bringing his arm up to wipe his eyes. "I wanted to go back to my family so much...."

Luke felt something warm blossom in his chest - Pity? He pushed it away, pointing the kindjal at Harry. "You're just like everyone here - Only you took that opportunity away from so many people. Maybe Michael wanted to go back to his family? Or... Or Ashton?" he growled.

Harry sobbed harder at this, bringing his hands to his eyes and sinking to his knees. "J -Just do it fast, Luke," he cried, looking up at Luke with puffy eyes. "Kill me, please."

Proceed with caution... Luke told himself, twirling the kindjal around in his fingers as he approached Harry. He could mame Harry's body, mutilate it. Make him suffer just like he did to Ash...

But Luke wasn't that kind of person.

 He bent down to Harry, positioning the kindjal so it just brushed the top of his head. "I'm sorry, Harry." he sighed, preparing to strike.

Harry only looked up for a moment, and Luke saw something flash in the moonlight by Harry's pocket. "No, Luke," he whispered, angling his head so that his lips brushed Luke's. "I'm sorry."

Luke froze in surprise, before pain exploded into his entire head. Harry had taken Luke's lip piercing with his teeth and torn it out of his lip, spitting it out into the grass beside him. Harry took Luke's sliver of distraction, swiftly rising up and sending Luke to the ground with a swift kick to the stomach. "Idiot," Luke choked out, tears of pain brimming in his eyes as Harry snatched Michael's kindjal from his hand. Luke wasn't calling Harry an idiot, though. He was referring to himself, and how his own stupidity was about to cost him his life.

"Isn't it amazing how fast the night changes?" Harry asked with a smug smile, plunging the kindjal into Luke's chest.


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