Chapter 18

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Chapter 18.

~ Calum Hood's P.O.V ~

No, Calum's mind raced as he approached Ashton's limp form in the grass. Not Ash, Not Ash. "Ashton, please," Calum's voice cracked in raw pain as he shook Ashton. There was blood pooling at his side, and Cal knew that Harry had stabbed him in a fatal place. Ashton's eyes opened, revealing his beautiful hazel eyes slanted with exhaustion as they found Calum's face.

"Hey, Cal," he whispered, voice hoarse as blood slipped from the corner of his mouth. 

Calum sensed Luke and Taylor behind him and scooped Ashton into his lap, smoothing his hair and fixing his bandana so it neatly pushed his hair out of his face. "Damn you," Calum laughed slightly through his tears. "How did you let this happen?"

Ashton smiled weakly, the effort causing him to cough up blood and convulse with pain as he let out a choked sob. "H - Harry - That dick." he grunted, though his eyes were shining with tears. Ashton was a dying mess, and Calum could feel his heart breaking into a million pieces.

"Ash - " Calum started, but dropped off as Ash let out another sob, this one ending in a low whimper.

"I'm scared, Calum." he whispered, teary hazel eyes fixing themselves on Calum's face as his lips trembled. Calum felt tears spill from his own eyes and swallowed a sob.

"I know, Ash," Calum forced his quivering voice to remain steady, but failed miserably as he brushed some of Ashton's tears away with the back of his hand. "But you were brave. You fought so hard. And Bella and Taylor Lautner are dead and we're going to kill Harry if it's the last thing we do, do you hear us?" Calum finished breathlessly, searching Ashton's face for an answer.

Ashton whimpered, big hand dropping from his wound so it rested in the grass. His eyes had flitted over to a point just beside Calum's head, brilliant hazel eyes reflecting the full moon as they cast pools of white into his big pupils. "It's so beautiful..." his voice, once so hard and tough, now warm, tender, and painful, trailed off.

Calum heard Luke let out a strangled sob from behind them, but didn't take his eyes away from Ashton's face. Ashton's lips parted slightly, more tears spilling from his eyes. "I see my mum.... She's waiting for me," Ashton's eyes slid slowly so that they locked with Calum's brown ones. "Is it okay if I go?"

No, don't leave, Calum thought, but he swallowed the lump in his throat long enough to say, "Go ahead, Ashton. Don't you dare stay in this horrible place a second longer." his heart filled with warmth and affection for Ashton as Ashton smiled weakly at his words.

"Thank you," Ashton's breaths had gotten more shallow as his body began to fight with all it had. "Thank you, Calum Hood." Calum watched in horror as Ashton's final breath escaped his lips, and his hazel eyes, those hazel eyes once so full of life and strength clouded.

And the warrior from District 12 died in Calum's arms.

"No..." Calum hissed through his clenched teeth as sobs wracked through his body. Ashton's limp form slid from his arms. "No..."

"Calum - " Taylor started, but Luke held his arm out to silence her.

Calum threw back his head and sobbed.

He sobbed for Ashton, and for Taylor and Bella, and Niall and everyone who had died in the arena. He was angry, bloodlusted for Harry, before a thought stopped him - It was the Capitol's fault, not Harry's. If the Games didn't exist, Harry would never have killed Ashton.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" he screeched, glaring up at the sky so the Gamemakers could see him. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, BEYONCE? IS THIS WHAT YOU F*CKING WANTED ?!" he growled, the rage sweeping through him like a fire.

Calum Hood sobbed and sobbed.

He sobbed until the sun leaked through the trees, signifying that a new day had started.

But Calum knew that it was all an illusion.

              ~ 5 TRIBUTES LEFT ~

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