Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

* Perrie Edwards' P.O.V *

"So, Michael, what you're saying is that the only thing good about the Capitol is the pizza here?" Perrie watched Dylan chuckle from the monitor displaying the stage as he interviewed Michael Clifford, the tribute from District 5. Perrie fidgeted as the crowd laughed, clearly enjoying Michael's sharp humor, as he ran his fingers through his red hair in embarrassment.

 "The pizza here is amazing," he replied with a cheeky grin. "Everything here is, really."

Dylan raised an eyebrow, lowering his voice. "Even the girls?" he asked.The audience ooo'ed as Michael replied with a curt, 'Yes, sir. '

Perrie stiffened as she felt Zayn's reassuring hands on her shoulders, whirling her around to face him as she tore her eyes from the big TV on the wall. "You'll be fine," he smiled, reaching up to brush a curled strand of hair away from Perrie's face. "They'll love you."

Perrie frowned, looking down at her blush colored dress. It was a flimsy thing, only falling to her upper thighs in an effort to show off her long, graceful legs. "No they won't," she mumbled. "They hate our district." As if to prove her point, the girl from One - Ariana - scowled at her, tossing a silky strand of hair over her shoulder as she sauntered past Perrie down the hallway, hips swaying through her petite golden and cream colored dress. She looked like royalty, much like many of the other girls here. "I won't get any sponsors." she mumbled, studying her nude kitten heels.

She felt Zayn's fingers brush her chin, forcing her to meet his determined brown eyes. "You made me love you," he chuckled. "You can make them love you, too."

Perrie managed a weak smile, stomach plummeting nervously as the line moved up. Demi Lovato, the girl from 10, looked very faint, as her skin looked slightly green underneath her scarlet red dress. At least I'm not that nervous, Perrie thought.


Good thing for Perrie, as the interviews had to take a ten minute break after Demi did indeed end up throwing up right after Chandler Riggs, her district partner, exited the stage. "You can do this, Perrie." Zayn whispered as Dylan waved to the cameras, still looking slightly queasy after having seen Demi throw up all over the place.

"And we're back folks!" he paused to let the audience cheer. "And now, joining me on the stage, the lovely, petite Perrie Edwards, from District 11."

Here goes nothing, Perrie thought, flashing her best movie star smile at all the flashing cameras as she gave them a little wave, dropping down in the chair across from Dylan's. "Hey, Dylan." Perrie's voice was surprisingly calm as she slid one toned leg over the other, swiftly licking her lips to appear feminine, just as her stylist, Kelly, had recommended. Sell yourself, her stylist's voice rang in her mind.

Dylan nodded to her, the permanent smile plastered to his face thinning. "It's good to see you, Perrie - " he then looked to the crowd, many of which who were wolf - whistling, and winked. " - Now, I think we can all agree that you look like royalty tonight."

Perrie flushed, flattered, as the audience erupted. She scanned the crowd for Kelly, finding her lilac colored hair in the second row immediately. Kelly was grinning ear to ear, flashing her two thumbs ups. "Thanks, Dylan. It's a real change from my usual wear back in 11. We don't get to wear any makeup." Perrie smiled faintly, folding her hands neatly across her lap.

Dylan nodded, appearing very interested. "Well, seeing as how beautiful you are, a girl like you wouldn't need much makeup." he said seriously, causing Perrie to blush and chuckle a bit nervously. She glanced into the wings of the stage where Zayn was standing. He looked extremely jealous of Dylan flirting up Perrie like that. "So, Perrie, which luxury here have you found the most enjoyable so far?" he questioned.

Appear casual, Perrie told herself as she tucked a golden ringlet behind her ear. "The clothing, for sure." she decided, hearing murmurs of agreement ripple through the crowd.

"And why is that?" Dylan asked, leaning in slightly.

"Because everything here is so fashionable, of course." Perrie replied, as if the answer were extremely obvious.

Dylan, to her surprise, threw his head back and laughed. "You are quite the character, Ms. Edwards," he finally said, his chuckles subsiding. "You must be a real heartbreaker back in District 11, huh?"

Not really... Perrie's eyes instinctively slid to Zayn, who's face went blank at Dylan's comment."Erm, I actually never broke any hearts at all. I've only, uh, ever been in one relationship."

"And who with?" Dylan pressed, arching his eyebrows in interest.

Perrie shifted uneasily, studying the glossy stage floor. "Zayn Malik - He actually came here with me..." she trailed off, ignoring the gasps that sounded from several audience members.

Dylan looked taken aback, for he was at a loss of words for several seconds. "Well, Perrie, How did you manage to end up in a sticky situation like that?" he asked, voice more cautious and soft. Perrie felt her face heat up in recollection of how Perrie's cousin, Nick Jonas, had been called right after her, Zayn pushing through the crowds and volunteering himself instead right after.

Play it off, Perrie.

A small smile tugged at Perrie's lips, as if she were mooning over the situation. "It's quite sweet, actually," she began. "He volunteered. He did it to be with me so I wouldn't die alone."

Dylan O'Brien aww'ed, along with most of the crowd, before straightening the black tie of his simple crimson suit. "You do know, Perrie, that - " Perrie didn't even want to hear him finish the sentence.

" - That only one of us has the sliver of a chance of getting out of here alive? Yes, I am perfectly aware of that, Dylan." Perrie finished the sentence with a somber smile.

Dylan said nothing, only nodded for a few moments. "Well, Perrie, I'll let you on your way after one final question." 

Perrie nodded, relief washing over herself. Almost done.

"If it came down to it, and you and Zayn were the last ones standing, would you kill him to win?" Dylan asked.

 Perrie looked into the wings, where Zayn was staring at her with intense expectation. "A world without Zayn," Perrie said, not taking her eyes off of him still standing in the wings. "Is a world I do not want to live in."

The audience clapped madly as Dylan helped Perrie to her feet, bending down to kiss her the back of her hand. "Perrie Edwards, of District 11!" Dylan gestured to Perrie once more, before allowing her to exit the stage.

 As soon as she was in the hallway, she felt every pair of eyes glued to her. Take a picture, it'll last longer, Perrie thought, hurrying down the hall with her blue eyes glued to the floor.

 "You did amazing, Perrie!" Perrie found herself being pulled into a bone splitting hug from Kelly, who rocked slightly back and forth.

Perrie wiped the sweat off of her forehead, fanning herself."Glad that's over." she replied, gritting her teeth together.

It was then when reality came crashing down on Perrie Edwards.

Twenty Four hours from now, over half of them would be dead.

Twenty four hours from now, Perrie would be in the arena, or dead and already being shipped home in a simple wooden box.

Twenty four hours from now, Perrie Edwards would be in The Hunger Games.

And that scared her more than anything else.

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