Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

* Zendaya's P.O.V *

"So everyone knows the plan, right?" Calum whispered into the tight circle, waving his knife around for emphasis.

"Yup," Niall nodded, patting his machete to show he was ready to take on anyone. "Take them on in 2 waves."

Zendaya's gaze floated over to the clearing where the Careers were clearly having a ball, throwing food at each other and whooping and hollering every so often. Celebration's over,  Zendaya thought with a smug smile, before readying her axe. Seeing that the knife would be useless against Bella's sickle and Taylor Lautner's sword, Ash had found an axe in the basement of the brick house and strongly suggested she use it in the attack.

"Ash, Taylor, Luke, get ready to go." Calum hissed. Taylor loaded her bow. Luke twirled his knives in his fingers, catching his lip between his teeth as his azure blue eyes narrowed in concentration. Ash tightened his bandana. Zendaya was simply watching the careers when a figure moving in the darkness caught her eye. It was a girl's body, and she seemed to be holding a cylindrical object loosely in her hand as she made her way straight towards them.

"Guys!" she hissed, swatting Ashton's arm harshly. He spun around, about to spit out a harsh comeback, when he saw the figure as well.

 "It's Ariana." he hissed to Calum, readying his katana. Zendaya's eyes widened - Ariana was not part of the plan.

 "Take care of her Ash - " Calum broke off as Ariana entered the foliage, beginning to hum to herself in a surprsingly lovely voice as the zipper of her jeans slid down.

"Go!" Zendaya swatted Ashton, and he quietly snuck up to the girl, waiting a second longer before pouncing on her. Ariana's shriek of surprise was cut off as Ash rolled on top of her, crushing her beneath his strong stature. Zendaya heard Ash curse, and for a second, she thought Ariana had stabbed him, when in reality, he let go of his katana blade. She watched Ashton struggle to pin the girl down and fumble for something to kill her with at the same time, before his fingers enclosed around something firm - a rock. Do it! Zendaya's mentally screamed as Ash grabbed the rock more firmly, grunting as he held it up to smash against Ariana's temple.

"NOOOO - " Ariana's final screams were cut off as Ashton brought the rock down hard, making a visible dent in her temple that spurted blood. And he brought it down again. And again. He was still pounding on the once - beautiful girl's face when the cannon finally sounded, alerting everyone that she had died.

 "Shit!" Zendaya cursed as the Careers sitting around the fire stood up in alarm, barking orders to one another. She watched as Ash rolled off of Ariana's corpse in disgust, wiping the blood from her mangled face on his shirt and fumbling around on the ground for his katana blade. Taylor yelled something to Bella, and then the two took off, sprinting at Zendaya's direction with their weapons raised and ready to attack.

 "Guys, get ready." Calum hissed, wielding his weapon. Taylor let her first arrow fly, and Zendaya paused hopefully when it soared right into Taylor Lautner's shoulder, her heart falling soon after when he yanked it from his flesh and tossed it aside like it was nothing. Zendaya quickly looked down at Ariana's body, unable to help but feel a stab of pity. Ariana was so petite, so childlike - her face was unrecognizable now. It looked as if someone had thrown a berry pie at her face and knocked several of her teeth out in the process.

"Zendaya watch out!" Zendaya instinctively ducked at Niall's warning just in time to see an arrow quivering in the face of the tree - Exactly where her head had been seconds ago. Zendaya grasped her axe firmly, standing up and charging into the clearing where the battle had already begun. Bella had thrown a knife at Calum, nicking his cheek, but he grunted and wiped the blood away furiously, preparing to charge her. Harry and Taylor Swift were firing arrows galore at each other, and Niall must've seen this as an opportunity to strike, for he took one last look at the dagger he was holding, aimed it at Harry, and whipped it at him. Harry turned just in time, green eyes wide as he raised his arm to shield his face. The blade slit a narrow cut in his arm, and the blood began to gush immediately. It had injured Harry, but had failed to kill him. And now Niall didn't have a weapon.

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