Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

* Zayn Malik's P.O.V *

Zayn rested his cheek against the cool wall, eyes fluttering shut as he and his tribute partner, Perrie Edwards, sat quietly, waiting for their stylists to enter. "Zayn." he heard Perrie's meek whisper from the other side of the room.

"Yeah?" Zayn glanced over his shoulder at the blonde girl, jawline tensing slightly.

Perrie's liquid blue eyes slid over to Zayn, her perfect pink lips parting to speak. "Why'd you do it?" she asked. "Why did you volunteer? That was so stupid, I can't even begin to explain - "

Zayn met her gaze unflinchingly. "Because I love you," he replied, brown eyes softening. "A life back in 11 without you is a life I don't want to live, Perrie."

A small smile graced Perrie's porcelain features as she wrapped her thin arms around herself. Even though her eyes were red and puffy from crying, Zayn still thought she was beautiful.

 "But that was probably the most failed attempt at romance I've ever seen - "

"I told you," Zayn cut her off. "I don't want anyone but you." Perrie went to say something else, but dropped her sentence as a stream of stylists paraded into the room, making their prescence known with vibrant hair colors and glitzy, flashy clothes.

Zayn slid his dark eyes sideways to see one of Perrie's stylists, a girl with lilac hair, cradling Perrie's face with her golden gloved hands. "Your complexion is gorgeous," she gasped in a thick british drawl. "I can do so much with this!"

Zayn felt someone's fingers run through his hair experimentally, and turned to see an olive colored boy mirroring the purple - haired girl's curiosity. "Ahh yes, I'm thinking golden accents and earth tones for the makeup - That good, Kelly?"

Kelly Osbourne nodded, purple ponytail bobbing as she opened her hand for one of her assistants to hand her an application brush. "Sounds good, Pharrell." she replied jokingly, wiping the brush on a gold section of the makeup pallette and sprinkling the fine powder across Perrie's defined cheekbones.

Zayn felt someone setting contour along his cheekbones and instinctively turned his head to the side. He still had a shred of pride left - he was not going out in front of the entire nation wearing makeup. "I'm not wearing that." he muttered.

Pharrell sighed, setting down his makeup. "Okay," he sighed in defeat. "But we'll have to add more sequins to your toga then."

"That's fine." Zayn sighed, allowing an assistant to grab hold of his hand to clean up his nail beds.


A few hours later, Zayn was clad in a golden toga, embroidered with crystalline sequins. There was a shining crown of wheat sitting upon his head, and he had been forced out of his preppy toms and into some gladiator sandals.

 "Zayn?" Zayn heard Perrie's amused voice behind him, and turned to see his girlfriend glowing with a more feminine version of his toga, a thick necklace adorning her collarbones. There were rings on every one of her fingers, and her makeup had been done in warm hues to highlight sharp angles of her face.

"You don't need all of that makeup on." Zayn pointed out, reaching out to tug on one of her straightened pieces of blonde hair.

Perrie shrugged. "I don't mind feeling beautiful for once." she replied simply, grabbing onto Zayn's hand as he helped her into the chariot labled 11 in gold - plated lettering. Zayn clambered in after, feeling butterflies swarm his chest. He glanced over his shoulder at the chariot from District 12, hoping to size up some of the other tributes. The boy from twelve was rather tall, with tan skin, piercing hazel eyes, and a freshly shaven face, showing off his sharp jawline. He was dressed in a simple, yet classy black suit that smoldered slightly as if resembling a coal and his long fingers were absently fiddling with the edge of the chariot.The mining district, Zayn thought. Duh.The girl beside the boy from 12 was quite pale, with lifeless brown eyes and simple dark hair spun into a loose braid.

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