Chapter 10

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Chapter 10.

* Emma Roberts' P.O.V *

"Hello Emma." Emma looked up, swallowing a whimper as Taylor, Bella, and Cara all stood over her, wearing equally chilling masks of cold stone. However, she forced herself to act innocent and unthreatening - Maybe they'd just leave with her supplies and spare her life.

"H - Hi," she stammered, failing miserably at keeping her voice steady. "You're Taylor, right?"

Taylor arched a thick eyebrow at her statement, obviously confused at her lack of hostility, before his face hardened again into an expression of malice. "Yeah," he said. "I'm Taylor."

"And you're dead." Bella - the red haired girl - snickered, perfect lips curling into a smile as she teasingly twirled the blade of her knife around. Emma felt the pit in her stomach grow with despair. She could try and run now, but something told her that if she did so, her death would be 10 times more agonizing than Taylor already planned.

"I - I don't understand..." Emma felt her blue eyes brim with tears - Thought she couldn't decide if they were real or if she had cued them all for the act. "T -Take what you want, but leave me alone! I'm weak! I'll be dead out here in a few days anyways!"

Taylor tilted his head, the fire making his dark eyes look like smoldering coals as he pretended to think over her proposal. "As much as I would love to watch you starve... Killing you right now would be much more fun."

Emma swallowed at his words, scooting backwards and falling over the log she was sitting on. She heard Bella snicker and sat up, cheeks burning. Not that being embarrassed would do her much harm now, considering she was about to die. Give them a show, Emma thought. The Capitol wants a show. Taylor casually whipped around his blade, smirking as it passed through the fire, causing the tip of the blade to turn a glowing, white hot red. "Please," Emma begged, scooting backwards and making sure the fear was evident in her eyes. "Don't do this!"

"Oh, Emma," Taylor shook his head. "You're not that good an actress." with that, he swiftly whipped the blade across Emma's throat, blood gurgling in her mouth as she fell to the ground and drowned in her own blood. The cannon rang out soon after, but Emma didn't hear it, for she was already dead.

* Zayn Malik's P.O.V *

Zayn jolted awake at the sound of a cannon, Noticing Perrie stirring beside him and realizing with immense relief that she was still alive.

"Zayn?" Perrie whispered, shaking him most likely to make sure he was still alive.

"I'm okay." Zayn murmured quietly, stroking her hair softly before he felt her snuggle back up to his chest. Blinking into the darkness, Zayn noticed the outline of a hill as it dropped off into a deep gorge. Whoever fell into that would be dead instantly... Zayn thought with a shudder, glancing back down to Perrie with an idea forming in his head. It was a grim idea, but an idea.

"Perrie." Zayn shook her. Perrie's big blue eyes opened instantly and she sat up, rubbing them.

"What is it?" she asked, running her fingers through her hair. Zayn pointed to the drop off leading to the gorge, not saying a word and hoping she'd get the message. Perrie squinted into the darkness, tongue swiping across her lips.

"Is that a cliff?" she asked quietly.

"A gorge," Zayn whispered back. "I think that Nicki put it there for a reason." Zayn glanced down at Perrie, who still wasn't catching on. He gently took her face in his hands, eyes boring into hers. "You know that only one of us can win, Perrie." he said quietly, voice shaking.

Perrie's lips trembled, eyes darkened when she put the pieces together. "You want us to...?"

Zayn looked down, tearing at the grass underneath his fingernails. "You don't have to if you want to, Perrie," he reminded her gently. "But I want to show people that the Capitol doesn't own me. That I'm not just a pawn to their game. You should also know that I can't live without you, either."

He watched Perrie look at the gorge, and then back to Zayn, and then the gorge. Her hand felt ice cold in his as they interlocked their fingers. "You're right Zayn." she replied after a while.The two sat in silence, before Zayn began to sing very softly.

"Get out, Get out, Get out of my head, I'm falling to my arms instead....." Perrie shot Zayn a weird look, the tears brimming in her eyes spilling onto her cheeks.

"I know you like to sing your feelings, but now really isn't the time - " she tried, but Zayn cut her off, helping her up.

"I don't, I don't, don't know what it is, but I need that one thing." Zayn booped Perrie on the nose, holding onto her hand tightly and making his way up the hill to the slope.

"Zayn, stop you're killing the mood - " Zayn cut Perrie off by booping her nose again, looking down into the gorge that was a basic plunge into whatever horrors lie below the blanket of darkness.

"You've got that - " Zayn paused. "- One thing!" by this time he was singing in full volume, and Perrie swatted his arm, growing quiet again.

"You lose consciousness after seven seconds of a plunge like this," she said quietly, wiping a tear from her eye. "We wouldn't feel any pain."

Zayn studied Perrie. "Are you ready?" he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, feeling Perrie's small arms loop around his neck. Perrie nodded, looking up one last time into Zayn's eyes. Zayn stared down into her blue eyes, which were reflecting the stars that were probably artificial just like the arena they stood in.

"I will always love you, Zayn." she whispered.

"And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII will always love - " Zayn paused, kissing Perrie one last time before sending them both plummeting into the blackness. "- Love YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU." and his voice echoed in an angelic way as they fell into the oblivion, Whitney Houston's voice winging through the arena just as the cannons went off.



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