Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

* Zendaya Coleman's P.O.V *

Zendaya, along with her partner from District 8, Louis Tomlinson, were the first to arrive in the training center the next day. It was a vast, monochromatic room with no extra lengths of safety precautions whatsoever. "Figures." Zendaya snorted, walking over to a rack of dainty - looking knives and picking it up, tossing it experimentally.

"What?" Louis called over his shoulder, studying Zendaya with his bright blue eyes.

"No safety mats or anything," Zendaya noted. "It's like they want us to die before we even get to the arena."Louis only shrugged, immediately strolling over to the fire making section and poking around the survival part of the room, like the poisonous berries and what wild plants you could eat. Zendaya was about to call out telling Louis she was going to join him when the doors to the room swung open wildly, alerting everyone that the Careers had entered.

Zendaya immediately set the knife back down, hurrying to a random station but secretly still watching them from the corner of her eye. Ariana, the small girl from 1, had already grabbed a handful of throwing knives and was waltzing over to the targets. As soon as she wound her arm back, letting the knife lose and sending it whizzing to the first target, Zendaya knew it would be a direct hit.

It was.

Feeling sickness churn in her stomach, Zendaya tucked a pale caramel strand of hair behind her ear as Harry Styles, the boy from one, picked up a long sword, doing a few experimental twists and flicks before proceeding to spar with a training dummy. In a few days, those would be real people dying at the hands of the Careers, not just dummies and targets.

"Hi." Zendaya jumped at the sound of a voice behind her. She looked up to see a bleach blonde boy with a thick Irish trill kneeling down beside her, blue eyes warm as he studied her.

"Uh - Hey." Zendaya stammered, shifting uneasily.

"Mind if I join you?" the boy asked, arching an eyebrow.

"N - Not at all..." Zendaya replied, chewing her lip as a low thud followed by a grunt sounded behind them. She glanced over her shoulder to see a lanky, blonde boy lying on the floor, clutching his knee and rocking back and forth with his lips pressed tightly together, lip piercing flat against his mouth.


"So what is it we're doing here?" the blonde boy asked, forcing Zendaya to turn back around. She looked down at the pile of wire at her feet, not sure what it was. After all, she'd only fled here in the first place to watch the Careers / hide from them.

"I don't know..." Zendaya said lamely. "I was just - "

"Watching the Careers," the boy finished for her with a nod. "Me too." when Zendaya was silent, he continued. "My name is Niall," he introduced himself sweetly. "From District 4."

"I'm Zendaya," Zendaya automatically replied. "I'm from 8."

Niall nodded, picking up the roll of wire and turning it around in his hands. "This is completely and utterly useless." he came to a flat conclusion, setting the wire down with a light chuckle.

Zendaya nodded, rolling her eyes. "The entire training is. We all know who's gonna live and who's gonna die on the first day, anyway." As if to prove her point, her brown gaze slid over to Taylor Lautner, who'd sent a spear whizzing into the center of a target with such speed and force that it buried itself in the wall through the target itself.

Niall nodded. "Point proven." he said quickly, before shifting so that he was sitting on his knees. "You know, we could make it. With the right alliances."

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